Pilot project grants will usually be for up to $50,000. Applicants requiring a higher level of funding should consider applying directly to the NIH for an R03 small grant. Applications should be for a funding period of 1 year.
There is no limit on the number of applications a PI may submit. Grants may be used to support faculty salaries (for example, summer salary support); travel; research assistance; acquisition of research materials (including electronic databases); to facilitate communication with colleagues and institutions in other countries; and for other appropriate research purposes as allowed by the NIH (NB: stipend and tuition not allowed). Grants may be used to acquire computer software and databases, but not for hardware purchases.
PGDA collaborates with the Research and Computing Core at the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies. Principal investigators who wish to have specific computing, data archiving, or research assistance as part of their pilot should contact Livia Montana, Director of Research.
Research funds should be managed within Harvard University, though subcontracts may be allowable to partner organizations conducting fieldwork.