STUDY: OSNAP intervention makes existing physical activity time more vigorously active

School kids running outsideAn HPRC study that tested the effectiveness of OSNAP in increasing children’s physical activity levels in afterschool programs found that the intervention successfully made existing activity time more vigorously active.

The Study at a Glance:

  • This cluster-randomized controlled trial examined the effectiveness of the Out of
    School Nutrition and Physical Activity (OSNAP) Initiative in increasing children’s physical activity levels in 20 existing after-school programs.
  • There was no effect of the intervention on moderate to vigorous physical activity, but after-school programs participating in the OSNAP Initiative were successful in making existing program time more vigorously active for children.
  • Compared with control participants, vigorous physical activity levels among intervention participants increased by 36%.

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Cradock AL, Barrett JL, Giles CM, Lee RM, Kenney EL, deBlois ME, Thayer JC, Gortmaker SL. Promoting Physical Activity With the Out of School Nutrition and Physical Activity (OSNAP) Initiative: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial. JAMA Pediatr. 2015 Dec 7:1-9.