Fall 2020

Unraveling interactions between complex human traits via decomposition of correlations

Michael Elgart
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Harvard Medical School
Division of Sleep, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
October 16, 2020


Leveraging GWAS findings to investigate cancer etiology and improve risk prediction

Linda Kachuri
Postdoctoral Scholar
Departments of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine
October 30, 2020


Identifying disease-critical cell types and processes across the human body by integration of single cell profiles and human genetics

Karthik Jagadeesh
Postdoctoral Fellow
The Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT
Advised by Alkes Price and Aviv Regev
December 4, 2020


Statistical genetics in glaucoma: multi-trait GWAS analysis and polygenic risk score

Xikun Han
Ph.D. Candidate
Statistical Genetics Group, Queensland Institute of Medical Research – Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Australia;
School of Medicine, University of Queensland, Australia

Incoming Postdoc, HSPH Epidemiology (PGSG)
December 11, 2020


Exploring gene-level association scores for complex diseases uncovers novel biology

Kushal Dey
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Epidemiology, HSPH
December 18, 2020