Predeparture Requirements

When it comes to overseas travel, one can never be too prepared. The below requirements are intended to help you feel secure, informed, and confident about your upcoming travel.

Register Travel

Registering with International SOS is one of the most important things to do before leaving campus. Travel course participants must register before December 1, 2024.

Review Harvard’s Travel Policies and Submit Required Paperwork

  • Review student travel policies
  • Check travel risk ratings
  • Submit travel waiver and release form which certifies your assumption of risk inherent in travel and indemnifies Harvard against liability. This form is required for all students who are traveling on a Harvard-related trip.
  • Review the expectations for conduct in the student handbook, which apply whether you’re on or off campus. Cross-registrants should refer to their school’s handbook.

Mandatory Safety Trainings

In addition to several predeparture meetings, participants are required to:

  1. Complete the Harvard GSS online pre-departure orientation
  2. Attend in-person safety training on (day and time TBD).