Lessons learned: Does message repetition aid persuasion?

You’re reading Lessons Learned, which distills practical takeaways from standout campaigns and peer-reviewed research in health and science communication. Want more Lessons Learned? Subscribe to our Call to Action newsletter. A recent study in the Journal of Communication explored how our preexisting biases towards scientific authority influences how effective message repetition is in persuading us to … Continue reading “Lessons learned: Does message repetition aid persuasion?”

Lessons learned: Does misinformation inoculation really work?

You’re reading Lessons Learned, which distills practical takeaways from standout campaigns and peer-reviewed research in health and science communication. Want more Lessons Learned? Subscribe to our Call to Action newsletter. As misinformation becomes a bigger issue worldwide, communication experts are working on ways to help people spot and address it in everyday situations. Psychological inoculation is … Continue reading “Lessons learned: Does misinformation inoculation really work?”