Ensuring access to the best, leading-edge laboratory services in the most cost effective manner
The Integrative Health Sciences Facility Core (IHSFC) is a ‘one-stop’ core that encompasses the services, instrumentation and seed-money necessary to facilitate state-of-the-art environmental health research. This includes: the instrumentation and technologies needed for basic and applied environmental health research including population-scale genomics, cell and molecular analytics, and environmental exposures and chemistry. The core supports translational research to improve exposure characterization, early detection of disease risk, biomarker discovery and development of preventive interventions for environmentally related diseases.
The main IHSFC activities are:
- Provides access to wide range of biological analysis facilities both in-house and extramural providers.
- Provides expert consultation (no fee): eg. data interpretation, biological plausibility, assessment of mechanistic pathways.
- Offers consultation on Facility Access Fund (FAF) applications
IHSFC Services
Other Resources
- Core Facilities available at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
- Shared Instrumentation Network (Harvard Key-protected): helps School community members in need of instrumentation typically used in the biological/lab sciences to connect with other investigators at the School who may be able to share their existing equipment.