David Christiani

David Christiani

Elkan Blout Professor of Environmental Genetics
Department of Environmental Health

Diseases: Cancer, Acute and Chronic Lung Disease, Birth Outcomes and Development, Metabolic Disorder Research: Studying the impact of exposures to various pollutants on health and the interactions between host factors and  environmental exposures in producing acute and chronic diseases.  

Adam Haber

Adam Haber

Assistant Professor of Computational Biology and Environmental Health
Department of Environmental Health

Diseases: Asthma Research: Using computational and machine learning approaches to analyze single-cell genomics data in order to investigate the differential impact of environmental exposures, particularly the household allergens mold and dust mites, on rare airway cell types which triggers chronic lung inflammation and asthma.

Gokhan S. Hotamisligil

Gökhan Hotamisligil

James Stevens Simmons Professor of Genetics and Metabolism
Department of Molecular Metabolism, Department of Nutrition

Diseases: Diabetes, Insulin resistance, Obesity, Atherosclerosis Research: Regulatory pathways which control energy metabolism.