In the News

Stopping Distracted Driving: What Will It Take?

We seldom think about the high degree of trust we place in an oncoming driver. It does indeed take a village to get home safely! And, sometimes it doesn’t work out. At any given daylight moment across the U.S., approximately 660,000 drivers are using electronic devices. In 2011, 3,331 people lost their lives and 387,000 … Continue reading “Stopping Distracted Driving: What Will It Take?”

Hazardous Road Ahead in Fighting Disease

An expansive, intellectually coherent but politically unachievable agenda, fueled by advocates for competing causes, will undercut current efforts to tackle extreme poverty, hunger, and disease that enjoy widespread political and public support. Jay Winsten, Associate Dean and Director of the Center for Health Communication at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, co-authored an … Continue reading “Hazardous Road Ahead in Fighting Disease”