To elicit the behavior-change behind the wheel that is needed to meaningfully combat distracted driving, an ‘evolution of social norms is important, and I think young people can help lead the way on that.’

While the problem of distracted driving is one that’s immune to easy fixes, there are a host of ideas for how to reduce this deadly behaviour and minimize the harm it causes, everything from more punitive enforcement to rethinking how we build cars and roadways. Dr. Jay Winsten, whose public-health project at Harvard University aims to combat distracted driving, believes it will take a combination of both technological intervention and a generational shift in behaviour to get it under control … Continue reading

The tragic death of a Boston reporter at the hands of a drunk driver spurred the Designated Driver concept in the United States

November 30, 2018 — WBZ-TV (Boston): “We all know the term ‘designated driver,’ it’s part of our culture, and the concept has saved countless lives. But did you know the American version began right here 30 years ago? And by ‘right here’ we mean Massachusetts…It was born out of a tragedy…in November of 1985…a horrible crash…left WBZ-TV reporter Dennis Kauff barely clinging to life…A few days later Kauff died. ‘There wouldn’t have been a designated driver campaign were it not for the tragic death at the hands of a drunk driver. The death of Dennis Kauff,’ said Dr. Jay Winsten. After learning about Kauff’s death, Winsten…had an idea … Continue reading