Kendra Wulczyn, MD, MPH

Dr. Wulczyn is an Instructor in Medicine, Nephrology Division at Mass General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. She is a practicing nephrologist conducting clinical research focused on better understanding symptoms and health-related quality of life experienced by persons with chronic kidney disease.

After graduating from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Wulczyn completed her Internal Medicine Residency at the University of California, San Francisco, and came east to do a fellowship in Nephrology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. She earned her MPH at Harvard T.H. Chan of Public Health.

“Embarking on the research years of my fellowship training, I realized that I needed formal training in epidemiology and biostatistics so that I could develop and carry out my own research projects. Not only did the PCE program provide me with these foundational skills, but I also had the opportunity to explore my interests in the ethics of public health and machine learning by taking different electives. I continue to refer to the notes I took during my PCE classes, and taking part in the PCE inspired me to continue my formal education by pursuing an MPH. Participating in the immersive experience of the PCE, surrounded by other students who were similarly interested in research as well as excellent faculty educators, was highly motivating and a great way to launch my own career in clinical investigation.”