Events Calendar

Department of Environmental Health 22nd James L. Whittenberger Lecture – Unraveling the Multifaceted Intergenerational Health Effects of Environmental Exposures: from Harvard Six Cities Study to Boston Birth Cohort Study

In Person

With Dr. Xiaobin Wang, Zanvyl Krieger Professor in child health, and Director of the Center on the Early Life Origins of Disease at Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, and Professor of pediatrics and a board-certified pediatrician at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

MELD T32 Seminar – Role of Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) in Cadmium-Induced Neurotoxicity and Its Application

In Person

With: Zunwei Chen, PhD Postdoctoral Research Fellow Zunwei will introduce the role of EVs in neurotoxicity caused by heavy metal cadmium exposure using human in vitro neuronal cells with a focus on novel microvesicles ARMMs and the underlying mechanisms. He will then explore the potential of EVs as therapeutical application targeting neurodegenerative diseases.