Cyprus Harvard Endowment Program for the Environment and Public Health – Upcoming Events

Wednesday, January 18; 9:00 AM ET (4:00 PM Cyprus)

Title: Emerging Climate & Environmental Health Risks in Cyprus
Location: Nicos K. Shacolas’ Amphitheatre and Zoom
Details: The Medical School of University of Cyprus in collaboration with the University of Nicosia Medical School and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health invite you to attend the Scientific event.
RSVP for In Person: or here by January 16th 2023


16:00Welcome addresses
Prof. Panayiotis Yiallouros (University of Cyprus – UCY) – Medical School
Dr. Souzana Achilleos (University of Nicosia – UNIC) – Medical School
Prof. Petros Koutrakis (Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health – HSPH) – Program Director of Cyprus  Harvard Endowment Program

Session 1: Indoor and outdoor exposure to particulate matter in Cyprus
16:30 Indoor and outdoor sources of PM2.5 and PM10 in Nicosia, Cyprus
Ms. Yichen Wang (SM, HSPH)
Supervisors: Dr. Souzana Achilleos (UNIC) – Prof. Petros Koutrakis (HSPH)
16:45 Relationships between indoor and outdoor PM measurements in Nicosia, Cyprus
Ms. Azariah Boyd (SM, HSPH)
Supervisors: Mr. Antonis Mechanikou (UCY) – Prof. Petros Koutrakis (HSPH)
17:00 Ambient particle radioactivity during desert dust events in Cyprus
Ms. Connor Henderson (SM, HSPH)
Supervisors: Dr. Annalisa Quattrocchi (UNIC) – Prof. Petros Koutrakis (HSPH)
17:15 Panel Discussion: Coordination Prof. Petros Koutrakis (HSPH)
17:40 18:00 Coffee Break

Session 2: Health effects of environmental risk factors in the Cyprus population
18:00 Acute effects of PM constituents on hospital admissions in Cyprus
Ms. Krittika Paul (SM, HSPH)
Supervisors: Dr. Panayiotis Kouis (UCY) – Dr. Stefania Papatheodorou (HSPH)
18:15 Association between particles beta radiation and mortality in Cyprus
Ms. Angela Stegmuller (SM, HSPH)
Supervisors: Dr. Souzana Achilleos (UNIC) – Prof. Petros Koutrakis (HSPH)
18:30 Temperature and daily mortality in the Eastern Mediterranean: A study from five districts in Cyprus
Ms. Qinni Yuan (SM, HSPH)
Supervisors: Dr. Souzana Achilleos (UNIC) – Dr. Barrak Alahmad (HSPH) –
Prof. Petros Koutrakis (HSPH)
18:45 Association between temperature and humidity with term birthweight in Cyprus
Ms. Serena Liu (SM, HSPH)
Supervisors: Dr. Panayiotis Kouis (UCY) – Dr. Stefania Papatheodorou (HSPH)
19:00 Exploring potential drivers of COVID-19 mortality using a rich dataset of potential pandemic drivers and mortality data from 20+ countries
Ms. Tianyu Liu (SM, HSPH)
Supervisors: Dr. Christiana Demetriou (UNIC) – Dr. Stefania Papatheodorou (HSPH)
19:15 Panel Discussion: Coordination Prof. Panayiotis Yiallouros (UCY)
19:40 Closing remarks- Prof. Panayiotis Yiallouros (UCY)