Participatory Materials Development

Participatory materials development processes support democratization of knowledge because such efforts engage members of the intended audience as co-creators.  Participatory processes or co-design is of particular value to health literacy because the resulting product incorporates the voice, language, image, issues, and perspective of the community for whom and by whom the materials are designed. Educational materials written and designed  by members of the intended audience can be powerful tools for sharing information and spurring action. Furthermore, materials produced through a participatory process highlight the community based authors as critical thinkers who can inspire others. Click here for Rudd RE and Comings JP (1994). Learner developed materials: an empowering product, Health Education Quarterly, 21(3): 313-327. This article also highlights the important health literacy theme of dignified dialogue.


Photonovels look like comic books but use photographs rather than drawings.  They are popular entertainment media in many Latin American countries.  The development of photonovels is now quite easy because of digital cameras and readily available computer programs for layout and design.  Particpatory processes involve members of the community or ‘intended audience’ as story tellers, writers, set designers, actors, photographers, promoters, disseminators, and evaluators. These photonovels produced long before the readily available digital cameras and computer assisted layout serve as examples:


Caroline Wang and colleagues developed another very innovative participatory approach called Photovoice. Community people took pictures of aspects of their lives and used their photos and stories to advocate for change.  Please link to the Web site for a full introduction, references, and examples.

Sample Materials

Click here for more sample materials