Hemenway, David

(hemenway08B.jpg_177_x_250_px.jpg)David Hemenway, Ph.D., is an economist and director of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center and the Harvard Youth Violence Prevention Center. A former Radcliffe Scholar and Pew Fellow on Injury Control, he was a Senior Soros Justice Fellow and held a Robert Wood Johnson Investigator Award in Health Policy Research. He is past president of the National Association of Injury Control Research Centers and won the Excellence in Science Award from the injury section of the American Public Health Association.  In 2012 he was recognized by the Centers for Disease Control as one of the twenty “most influential injury and violence professionals over the past twenty years.” Dr. Hemenway is the sole author of five books and author of over 260 journal articles on such topics as motor vehicle crashes, firearms, falls, fractures, fires, suicides, and child abuse. His most recent book is a collection of success stories in injury prevention. Dr. Hemenway has won 10 teaching awards. Dr. Hemenway’s research publications can be found here.

Hemenway CV January 2024

For more information on Dr. Hemenway visit:

Dr. Hemenway’s Courses:

ID 240 (Spring 1)  Principles of Injury Control

2.5 CreditsSeminars. One 3-hour session each week. This course provides an introduction to a serious public health problem–intentional and unintentional injury–and provides a framework for examining control options. Specific catergories of injuries, such as motor vehicle, crashes, and violence, and specific risk factors for serious injury such as alcohol and firearms, are examined in detail.


Contact Info:

Harvard Injury Control Research Center
677 Huntington Ave.
Kresge 309
Boston, MA 02115
Phone: 617-432-4493
Fax: 617-432-3699
Email: hemenway [at] hsph.harvard.edu