Road Rage

1. Motorists with guns are more likely to act aggressively (Arizona)

Using data from a telephone survey in Arizona, we examined the relationship between road rage and gun carrying in motor vehicles.  We found that self-reported hostile actions (e.g., obscene gestures, cursing or shouting, aggressively tailgating) were more common among men, young adults, and individuals who carried a firearm in their car.

Miller, Matthew; Azrael, Deborah; Hemenway, David; Solop, Frederic I.  Road rage in Arizona: Armed and dangerous?  Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2002; 34:807-814.


2. Motorists with guns are more likely to engage in types of road rage (U.S.)

Over 2,400 licensed drivers responded to questions about their own aggressive driving in a 2004 national random-digit-dial survey.  We found that 17% of respondents admitted to making obscene or rude gestures in the past year, and another 9% admitted to aggressively following too closely.  Males, young adults, binge drinkers, those ever arrested for a non-traffic violation, and motorists who had been in a vehicle in which there was a gun, were more likely to engage in such forms of road rage.

Hemenway, David; Vriniotis, Mary; Miller, Matthew.  Is an armed society a polite society? Guns and road rage.  Accident Analysis and Prevention.  2006; 38:687-95.