(2009) Hemenway D. While We Were Sleeping: Success Stories in Injury and Violence Prevention. Berkeley: University of California Press.
(2006) Hemenway D. Private Guns Public Health. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
(2005) Prothrow-Stith D, Spivak H. Sugar and Spice and No Longer Nice: Preventing Violence Among Girls. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
(2003) Prothrow-Stith D, Spivak H. Murder is No Accident:Understanding and Preventing Youth Violence in America. John Wiley and Sons.
(2013) Miller M, Azrael D, and Hemenway D. Firearms and violent death in the United States. Johns Hopkins University Press. In Reducing Gun Violence in America. Webster DW, Vernick JS, eds.
(2012) Clark DE, Moore L. Multilevel modeling. Chapter 23 of Li G, Baker S, editors, Injury Research: Theories, Methods, and Approaches. New York: Springer.
(2012) Hemenway, D. Accidents with guns; gun violence as a public health problem, motor vehicle laws as a model for gun laws, suicide and guns, firearms research digest, Firearm and Injury Center at Penn, guns in the home. Encyclopedia of Guns in American Society, 2nd ed. Denver: ABC CLIO 2012.
(2012) Hemenway, D. Public policy. In: Li, G, Baker S, eds. Injury Research: Theories, Methods, and Approaches. New York: Springer, 2012
(2010) Barber C, Miller M. A public health approach to preventing suicide. In: Public Health in the 21st Century, Finkel, M. (ed.). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Publishers.
(2009) Stone D, Barber C, Posner M. Improving public health practice in suicide prevention through online training: a case example. In: Internet and Suicide, Sher L & Vilens A. (eds.) New York: Nova Science Publishers.
(2008) Hemenway, D. Protecting children from firearm violence. Big ideas for children: Investing in our nation’s future. First Focus. 203-210.
(2008) Johnson R, Hemenway D. Preventing access to and use of firearms. In: Trafton, JA & Gordon WP (eds). Best Practices in the Behavioral Management of Health from Preconception to Adolescence, Vol III. Institute for Brain Potential.
(2006) Hemenway, D. Forward. Christoffel T, Gallagher SS. Injury and Public Health: Practical Knowledge, Skills, and Strategies. 2nd ed. Boston: Jones & Bartlett.
(2006) Howland J, Mangione TW, Laramie A. Simulation for measurement of occupational performance. in, RC Kessler and P Stang, eds. Health and Work Productivity: Emerging Issues In Research and Policy. Chicago. University of Chicago Press.
(2006) Kelly TH, Taylor RC, Heishman SJ, Howland J. Performance-based assessment of behavioral impairment in occupational settings. In: Karch SB, Peat M, and Forrest R (eds.) Handbook on Drug Abuse, Volume II, CRC Press, Boca Raton.
(2005) Browne, A. Reflections on the writing of When Battered Women Kill. In Bergen, Edleson, & Renzetti, Violence Against Women: Classic Papers (229-243). New York, NY: Allyn and Bacon.
(2005) Hemenway, D. A public health approach to firearms policy. In Mechanic D, Rogut LB, Colby DC, Knickman JR, eds. Policy Challenges in Modern Health Care. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
(2003) Azrael D, Barber C, Hemenway D, Miller M. Data on violent injuries. In Ludwig J and Cook PJ; Eds. Evaluating Gun Policy: Effects on Crime and Violence. Washington DC: Brookings.
(2003) Ezekiel R. An ethnographer looks at neo-Nazi and Klan groups: The Racist Mind revisited. In Gerstenfeld PB, Grant DR; Eds. Crimes of Hate: Selected Readings. Sage Publications.
(2003) Prothrow-Stith D. Youth violence prevention in America: Lessons from fifteen years of public health prevention work. In Tienda M, Wilson W, Eds. Youth in Cities: A Cross-National Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
(2002) Browne, A. Fear and the perception of alternatives. In N. Sokoloff & B. Price; Eds., The Criminal Justice System and Women: Offenders, Prisoners, Victims, and Workers. 3rd Edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
(2002) Hemenway D. Guns and suicide; Firearm injury statistical system; Gun violence as a public health problem; Gun accidents; motor vehicle laws as a model for gun laws. In: Guns in American Society: An Encyclopedia of History, Politics, Culture and the Law. Denver: ABC-CLIO.
(2002) Kessler RC, Mickelson KD, Barber C, Wang P. The effects of chronic medical conditions on work impairment. In: Caring and Doing for Others: Social Responsibility in the Domains of Family, Work, and Community. Rossi AS, ed. Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
(2002) Prothrow-Stith D, Spivak H, Sege R. Interpersonal violence prevention: A recent public health mandate. In: Detels R, Holand W, McEwen J, Omenn G, Eds. Oxford Textbook of Public Health. Fourth Edition. Cambridge: Oxford University Press.
(2001) Browne A., Lichter E. Imprisonment in the United States. Encyclopedia of Women and Gender, Volume A-K (611-623). London: Academic Press.
(2001) Hingson R, Howland J, Koepsell TD, Cummings P. Ecologic studies in Injury Control: A Guide to Research and Program Evaluation. Frederick P Rivara, Peter Cummings, Thomas D. Koepsell, David C. Grossman, Ronald V. Maier, eds. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press.
(2001) Howland J, Peterson EW, Lachman ME. Falls among the elderly in Successful and Productive Aging, Sue E. Levkoff and Yeon Kyung Chee, eds. Springer.
(2013) Newgard CD, Fildes JJ, Wu L, Hemmila MR, Burd RS, Neal M, Mann NC, Shafi S, Clark DE, Goble S, Nathens AB. Methodology and analytic rationale for the American College of Surgeons Trauma Quality Improvement Program (TQIP). J Amer Coll Surg; 216:147-157.
(2013) Johnson MS, Chiang J, Eldrup-Jorgensen J, Clark DE, Healey CT. Effect of chronic oral anticoagulation with warfarin on the durability and outcomes of Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair (EVAR). J Vasc Surg;58:319-323.
(2013) Barber C, Azrael D, Hemenway D. A truly national National Violent Death Reporting System. Injury Prevention. 19(4): 225-6.
(2013) Barber C, Miller M. Toward a research agenda on reducing a suicidal person’s access to lethal methods of suicide. American Journal of Prevention (invited piece, in submission, 2013).
(2013) Betz M, Miller M, Barber C, et al. Lethal means restriction for suicide prevention: Beliefs and behaviors of emergency department providers. Depression and Anxiety. [Epub ahead of print].
(2013) Betz ME, Miller M, Barber C, Miller I, Sullivan AF, Camargo CA Jr, Boudreaux ED; on behalf of the ED-SAFE Investigators. Lethal means restriction for suicide prevention: Beliefs and behaviors of emergency department providers. Depression and Anxiety. [Epub ahead of print]
(In Press) Brent D, Miller M, Loeber R, Mulvey E, Birmaher B. Ending the silence on gun violence. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
(2013) Clark DE, Hannan EL. Inverse propensity weighting to adjust for bias in fatal crash samples. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 1244-1251.
(In Press) Clark DE, Winchell RJ, Betensky RA. Estimating the effect of emergency care on early survival after traffic crashes. Accident Analysis and Prevention.
(2013) Connorton E, Perry MJ, Hemenway D, Miller M. Occupational trauma and mental illness–combat, peacekeeping, or relief work and the national co-morbidity survey replication. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 53(12): 1360-3.
(2013) Duncan DT, Pira G, Dunn EC, Johnson RM, Melly SJ, & Molnar, BE. The built environment and depressive symptoms among urban youth: A spatial regression study. Spatial and spatio-temporal epidemiology.
(2013) Falb KL, McCormick MC, Hemenway D, Anfinson K, and Silverman JG. Symptoms associated with pregnancy complications along the Thai-Burma border: the role of conflict-related violence and intimate partner violence. Maternal and Child Health. In press.
(In Press) Falb KL, McCormick MC, Hemenway D, Anfinson K, Silverman JG. Conflict victimization and recent intimate partner violence: associations with past month suicide ideation among refugee women along the Thai-Burma border. Journal of Traumatic Stress.
(2013) Falb KL, McCormick MC, Hemenway D, Anfinson K, Silverman JG. Violence against refugee women along the Thai-Burma border. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics. 120(3): 279-83.
(2013) Fleegler EW, Lee LK, Monuteaux MC, Hemenway D, Mannix R. Firearm legislation and firearm-related fatalities in the United States. JAMA. 173(9): 732-40.
(2013) Gradus JL, Shipherd JC, Suvak MK, Giasson HL, Miller M. Suicide and suicide attempts among marines: A decade of follow-up. Suicide Life Threatening Behavior. 43(1): 39-49.
(2013) Hemenway D. Preventing gun violence by changing social norms. JAMA Internal Medicine. 173(13): 1167-8
(2013) Hemenway D, Miller M. Public health approach to the prevention of gun violence. New England Journal of Medicine. 368(21): 2033-5.
(2013) Hemenway D. Three common beliefs that are impediments to injury prevention. Injury Prevention. 19(4): 290-3.
(2013) Hemenway D, Solnick SJ. A classroom game on sequential enforcement. Journal of Criminal Justice Education. 24: 38-49.
(In Press) Leventhal JM, Gaither JR, Sege R. Hospitalizations due to firearm injuries in children and adolescents. Pediatrics.
(In Press) Lucas M, O’Reilly EJ, Mirzaei F, Okereke OI, Unger L, Miller M, Ascherio A. Cigarette smoking and completed suicide: results from 3 prospective cohorts of American adults. Journal of Affective Disorders.
(2013) Miller M, Barber C, White RA, Azrael D. Firearms and suicide in the United States: Is risk independent of underlying suicidal behavior? American Journal of Epidemiology. [Epub ahead of print]
(2013) Miller M, Hempstead K, Nguyen T, Barber C, Rosenberg-Wohl S, Azrael D. Method choice in nonfatal self-harm as a predictor of subsequent episodes of self-harm and suicide: Implications for clinical practice. American Journal of Public Health. [Epub ahead of print]
(2013) Mozaffarian D, Hemenway D, Ludwig DS. Curbing gun violence: lessons from public health successes. JAMA. 309(6): 551-2.
(2013) Solnick SJ, Hemenway D. Soft drinks, aggression and suicidal behavior in US high school students. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion. [Epub ahead of print]
(2013) Suglia SF, Solnick S, Hemenway D. Soft drinks consumption is associated with behavior problems in 5-Year-Olds. Journal of Pediatrics. [Epub ahead of print]
(2013) Haskins AE, Clark DE, Travis LL. Racial disparities in survival among injured drivers. American Journal of Epidemiology. 177: 380-387.
(2012) Blaisdell LL, Chace R, Hallagan LD, Clark DE. A half century of burn epidemiology and burn care in a rural state. J Burn Care Res; 33:347-353.
(2012) Clark DE, Qian J, Sihler KC, Hallagan LD, Betensky RA. The distribution of survival times after injury. World J Surg; 36:1562-1570.
(2012) Connorton E, Perry MJ, Hemenway D, Miller M. Relief workers and trauma-related mental illness. Epidemiologic Reviews. 34(1): 145-55.
(2012) Clark DE, Qian J, Winchell RJ, Betensky RA. Hazard regression models of early mortality in trauma centers. Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 215: 841-849.
(2012) Dunn EC, Gilman, SE, Willett JB, Slopen NB, & Molnar BE. The impact of exposure to interpersonal violence on gender differences in adolescent‐onset major depression: Results from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS‐R). Depression and Anxiety. 29(5), 392-399.
(2012) Flaherty EG, Schwartz K, Jones RD, Sege RD. Child abuse physicians: Coping with challenges. Evaluation and the Health Professions. 36(2): 163-73.
(2012) Gradus J, Qin P, Lincoln A, Miller M, Lawler L, Sorensen HT, Lash TL. Sexual victimization and completed suicide among female adults in Denmark. Violence Against Women. 18(5): 552-61.
(2012) Jai S, Buka SL, Subramanian SV, & Molnar, BE. Protective factors for youth exposed to violence role of developmental assets in building emotional resilience. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice. 10(1), 107-129.
(2012) Johnson RM, Lintz J, Gross D, Miller M, Hemenway D. Evaluation of the ASK campaign in two Midwestern cities. Public Health. Article ID 408124, 6 pages.
(2012) Hepburn L, Azrael D, Molnar B, Miller M. Bullying and suicidal behaviors among urban high school youth. Journal of Adolescent Health. 51(1): 93-5.
(2012) Long WE, Bauchner H, Sege RD, Cabral HJ, Garg A. The value of the medical home for children without special health care needs. Pediatrics. 129(1): 87-98.
(2012) Lozano R, Naghavi M, Foreman K, …Miller M, et al. Global and regional mortality from 235 causes of death for 20 age groups in 1990 and 2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. Lancet. 380: 2095–128.
(2012) Miller M, Azrael D, Barber C. Suicide mortality in the United States: The importance of attending to method in understanding population-level disparities in the burden of suicide. Annual Review of Public Health. 33: 393-408.
(2012) Miller M, Barber C, Young M, Mukamal K, Lawler L. Veterans and suicide: a reexamination of the National Death Index-linked National Health Interview Survey. American Journal of Public Health. 102 Suppl 1 :S154-9.
(2012) Miller M, Azrael D, Barber C, Mukamal K, Lawler E. A call to link data to answer pressing questions about suicide risk among veterans. American Journal of Public Health. 102 Suppl 1: S20-2.
(2012) Miller M. Preventing suicide by preventing lethal injury: the need to act on what we already know. American Journal of Public Health. 102(S1): e1-3.
(2012) Murray CJL, Vos T, Lozano R, … Miller M, et al. Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 291 diseases and injuries in 21 regions, 1990–2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. Lancet. 380: 2197–223.
(2012) Richards J, Edwards K, Lackey M, Wallace L, Calleson J, Barber C, Long T, Lin S, Farel A Collaborative learning and technology skills development: evaluation of an online annual grantee meeting. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 16(7): 1549-52
(2012) Soeteman D, Miller M, Kim J. Modeling the risks and benefits of depression treatment for children and young adults. Value in Health. 15: 724-729.
(2012) Solnick SJ, Hemenway D. ‘The Twinkie Defense:’ the relationship between carbonated non-diet soft drinks and violence perpetration among Boston high school students. Injury Prevention. 18(4), 259-263.
(In press) Schmidt NM, Tchetgen EJ, Amleida J, Nguyen QC, Molnar BE, Azrael D, Osypuk TL. Does neighborhood collective efficacy for families change over time? The Boston Neighborhood Survey. Journal of Community Psychology.
(2012) Spittal MJ, Pirkis J, Miller M, Studdert DM. Declines in the lethality of suicide attempts explain the decline in suicide deaths in Australia. PloS one. 7(9), e44565.
(2012) Travis LL, Clark DE, Haskins AE, Kilch JA. Mortality in rural locations after severe injuries from motor vehicle crashes. Journal of Safety Research. 43: 375-380.
(2012) Vos T, Flaxman AD, Naghavi M, …Miller M, et al. Years lived with disability (YLD) for 1160 sequelae of 289 diseases and injuries 1990–2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. Lancet. 380: 2163–96.
(2012) Wray M, Miller M, Kawachi I, Gurvey J. Estimating visitor suicide risk in destination cities: A reply to Zarkowski and Nguyen. Social Science & Medicine. 74(10): 1474–1476.
(2011) Azrael D, Hemenway D. Greater than the sum of their parts: The benefits of Youth Violence Prevention Centers. American Journal of Community Psychology. 48(1-2): 21-30.
(2011) Barber C, Hemenway D. Too many or too few unintentional firearm deaths in official U.S. mortality data? Accident Analysis and Prevention. 43(3): 724-31.
(2011) Betz ME, Barber C, Miller M. Suicidal behavior and firearm access: results from the second injury control and risk survey (ICARIS-2). Suicide and Life Threatening Behaviors. 41(4): 384-391.
(2011) Borges G, Azrael D, Almeida J, Johnson RM, Molnar BE, Hemenway D, Miller M. Immigration, suicidal ideation and deliberate self-injury in the Boston youth survey 2006. Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior. 41(2): 193-202
(2011) Bridgewater K, Peterson S, McDevitt J, Hemenway D, Bass J, Bothwell P, Everdell R. A community-based systems learning approach to understanding youth violence in Boston. Progress in Community Health Partnerships. 5(1): 67-75.
(2011) Clark DE, Qian J, Sihler KC, Hallagan LD, Betensky RA. The distribution of survival times after injury. World Journal of Surgery, 36: 1562-1570.
(2011) Connorton E, Miller M, Perry MJ, Hemenway D. Mental health and unintentional injurers: results from the national co-morbidity survey replication. Injury Prevention. 17(3): 171-5.
(2011) Goldstein GP, Clark DE, Travis LL, Haskins AE. Explaining regional disparities in traffic mortality by decomposing conditional probabilities. Injury Prevention. 17(2): 84-90
(2011) Gorra AS, Clark DE, Mullins RJ. Using hospital outcomes to predict 30-day mortality among injured patients insured by Medicare. Archives of Surgery. 146(2):195-200.
(2011) Green JG, Dunn EC, Johnson RM, Molnar BE. A multilevel Investigation of the association between school context and adolescent nonphysical bullying. Journal of School Violence. 10(2): 133-149.
(2011) Hemenway, D. Risks and benefits of a gun in the home. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. 5(6), 502-511.
(2011) Hemenway D, Solnick SJ. The unintentional injurer: results from the Boston youth survey. American Journal of Public Health. 101(4): 663-8.
(2011) Hemenway, D. Review of Burham JC. Accident prone: A history of technology, psychology and misfits of the machine age. Injury Prevention. 17:286.
(2011) Hemenway, D. Review of Norton PD. Fighting traffic: The dawn of the motor age in the American city. Injury Prevention. 17:143.
(2011) Hemenway, D. Measuring the cost of injury: Underestimating the costs of street violence. Injury Prevention. 17(5), 289-290.
(2011) Johnson RM, Frank EM, Ciocca M, Barber CW. Training mental healthcare providers to reduce at-risk patients’ access to lethal means of suicide: Evaluation of the CALM project. Archives of Suicide Research. 15: 259-264.
(2011) Liem M, Barber C, Markwalder N, Killias M, Nieuwbeertaa P. Homicide–suicide and other violent deaths: An international comparison. Forensic Science International. 207(1-3): 70-6.
(2011) Miller M, Borges G, Mukamal K, Rimm E, Benjet, C, Medina-Mora ME, Orozco R. Use and abuse of alcohol, drugs and tobacco and the risk of subsequent suicidality: findings from the Mexican Adolescent Mental Health Survey. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 113(2-3): 110-117.
(2011) Miller M, Stürmer T, Azrael D, Levin R, Solomon DH. Opioid analgesics and the risk of fractures in older adults with arthritis. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 59(3): 430-8.
(2011) Richardson EG, Hemenway D. Homicide, suicide and unintentional firearm fatality: comparing the United States with other high-income countries, 2003. Journal of Trauma. 70:238-43.
(2011) Rothman EF, Johnson RM, Young R, Weinberg J, Azrael D, Molnar BE. Neighborhood-level factors associated with physical dating violence perpetration: results of a representative survey conducted in Boston, MA. Journal of Urban Health. 88(2): 201-13.
(2011) Sege R, Flaherty E, Jones R, et al. To report or not to report: examination of the initial primary care management of suspicious childhood injuries. Academic Pediatrics. 11(6): 460-466.
(2011) White R, Barber C, Azrael D, Mukamal KJ, Miller M. History of military service and the risk of suicidal ideation: findings from the 2008 national survey on drug use and health. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior. 41(5): 554-61.
(2010) Betz ME, Barber C, Miller M. Firearm restriction as suicide prevention: Variation in belief and practice among providers in an urban ED. Injury Prevention. 16(4):278-81.
(2010) Borges G, Benjet C, Medina-Mora ME, Miller M. Body Mass Index and its relationship to mental disorders in the Mexican Adolescent Mental Health Survey. Salud Pública de México. vol. 52, no. 2.
(2010) Clark DE, Hannan EL, Raudenbush SW. Using a hierarchical model to estimate risk-adjusted mortality for hospitals not included in the reference sample. Health Services Research. 45(2):577-87.
(2010) Clark DE, Hannan EL, Wu C. Predicting risk-adjusted mortality for trauma patients: logistic versus multilevel logistic models. Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 211(2):224-31.
(2010) Gunnell D., Miller M. Strategies to prevent suicide (editorial). BMJ. 341 (341):c3054-c3054.
(2010) Gradus J, Qin P, Lincoln A, Miller M, Lawler L, Sorensen HT, Lash TL. Inflammatory bowel disease and suicide. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. 16(12):2158-61.
(2010) Gradus J, Qin P, Lincoln A, Miller M, Lawler L, Sorensen HT, Lash TL. Acute stress reaction and completed suicide. International Journal of Epidemiology. 39(6):1478-84.
(2010) Gradus J, Qin P, Lincoln A, Miller M, Lawler L, Lash TL. The association between adjustment disorder diagnosed at psychiatric treatment facilities and completed suicide. Clinical Epidemiology. 9(2):23-8.
(2010) Gradus J, Qin P, Lincoln A, Miller M, Lawler L, Sorensen HT, Lash TL Posttraumatic stress disorder and completed suicide. American Journal of Epidemiology. 171(6):721-7.
(2010) Gupta J, Acevedo-Garcia D, Hemenway D, Decker MR, Raj A, Silverman JG. Intimate partner violence perpetration, immigration status, and disparities in a community health center-based sample of men. Public Health Reports. 125(1):79-87.
(2010) Jain S, Buka SL, Subramanian SV, Molnar BE. Neighborhood predictors of dating violence victimization and perpetration in young adulthood: a multilevel study. American Journal of Public Health. 100(9):1737-44.
(2010) Johnson RM, Barber C, Azrael D, Clark DE, Hemenway D. Who are the owners of firearms used in adolescent suicides? Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior. 40(6):609-11.
(2010) Hemenway D. Why we don’t spend enough on public health. New England Journal of Medicine. 362(18):1657-8.
(2010) Hemenway D, Barber C, Miller M. Unintentional firearm deaths: a comparison of other-inflicted and self-inflicted shootings. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 42(4):1184-8.
(2010) Hemenway D, Vriniotis M, Johnson RM, Miller M, Azrael D. Gun carrying by high school students in Boston, MA: Does overestimation of peer gun carrying matter? Journal of Adolescence. [Epub ahead of print]
(2010) Hemmila MR, Nathens AB, Shafi S, Calland JF, Clark DE, Cryer HG, Goble S, Hoeft CJ, Meredith JW, Neal ML, Pasquale MD, Pomphrey MD, Fildes JJ. The Trauma Quality Improvement Program: pilot study and initial demonstration of feasibility. Journal of Trauma. 68(2):253-62.
(2010) Howland J, Rohsenow DJ, Bliss CA, Almeida AB, Calise TV, Heeren T, Winter M. Hangover predicts residual alcohol effects on psychomotor vigilance the morning after intoxication. Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy. 1(101).
(2010) Howland J, Rohsenow DJ, Greece JA, Littlefield CA, Almeida A, Heeren T, Winter M, Bliss CA, Hunt S, Hermos J. The effects of binge drinking on college students’ next-day academic test-taking performance and mood state. Addiction. 105(4):655-65.
(2010) Johnson RM. Exposure to firearms, not marriage, the true risk factor for firearm suicide among women. Injury Prevention. 16(1):71; author reply 71.
(2010) Miller M., Bhalla K. An urgent need to restrict access to pesticides based on human lethality. PLoS Med. 2010 October; 7(10): e1000358.
(2010) Mukamal K and Miller M. BMI and suicide: Untangling an unlikely association. American Journal of Epidemiology. 172(8): 900-904.
(2010) Mukamal K, Rimm E, Kawachi I, O’Reiley E, Calle J, Miller M. Body-mass index and risk factors for suicide among 1 million middle-ages adults. Epidemiology. 21:82-86.
(2010) Panchmatia JR, Hemenway D. Surgical complications: car crashes and the credit crunch. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 80(9):581-3.
(2010) Patrick AR, Miller M, Barber CW, Wang PS, Canning CF, Schneeweiss S. Identification of hospitalizations for intentional self-harm when E-codes are incompletely recorded. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 19(12):1263-75.
(2010) Rohsenow DJ, Howland J. The role of beverage congeners in hangover and other residual effects of alcohol intoxication: a review. Current Drug Abuse Reviews. 3(2):76-9.
(2010) Rothman EF, Johnson RM, Azrael D, Hall DM, Weinberg J. Perpetration of physical assault against dating partners, peers, and siblings among a locally representative sample of high school students in Boston, Massachusetts. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. 164(12):1118-24.
(2010) Runyan CW, Hargarten S, Hemenway D, Peek-Asa C, Cunningham RM, Costich J, Gielen AC. An urgent call to action in support of injury control research centers. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 39(1):89-92.
(2010) Schwartz S, Hoyte J, James T, Conoscenti L, Johnson RM, Liebschutz J. Challenges to engaging black male victims of community violence in healthcare research: lessons learned from two studies. Psychological Trauma. 2(1):54-62.
(2010) Schneeweiss S, Patrick AR, Solomon DH, Metha J, Dormuth C, Miller M, Lee J, Wang PS. The comparative safety of antidepressant agents in children regarding suicide attempts and suicides. Pediatrics.125:876-888.
(2010) Schneeweiss S, Patrick AR, Solomon DH, Metha J, Dormuth C, Miller M, Lee J, Wang PS. Variation in the risk of suicide attempts and completed suicides by antidepressant agent in adults: A propensity score-adjusted analysis of 9 years of data. Archives of General Psychiatry. 67(5):497-506.
(2010) Tseng KC, Hemenway D, Kawachi I, Subramanian SV, Chen WJ. The impact of the Chi-Chi earthquake on the incidence of hospitalizations for schizophrenia and on concomitant hospital choice. Community Mental Health Journal. 46(1):93-101.
(2010) Wintemute GJ, Hemenway D, Webster D, Pierce G, Braga AA. Gun shows and gun violence: fatally flawed study yields misleading results. American Journal of Public Health. (10):1856-60.
(2009) Almeida J, Johnson RM, Corliss HL, Molnar BE, Azrael D. Emotional distress among LGBT youth: the influence of perceived discrimination based on sexual orientation. Journal of Youth Adolescence. 38(7):1001-14.
(2009) Borges G, Breslau J, Su M, Miller M, Medina-Mora ME, Aguilar-Gaxiola S. Immigration and suicidal behavior among Mexicans and Mexican Americans. American Journal of Public Health.
(2009) Decker MR, Seage GR 3rd, Hemenway D, Raj A, Saggurti N, Balaiah D, Silverman JG. Intimate partner violence functions as both a risk marker and risk factor for women’s HIV infection: findings from Indian husband-wife dyads. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. 51(5):593-600.
(2009) Duncan DT, Johnson RM, Molnar BE, Azrael D. Association between neighborhood safety and overweight status among urban adolescents. BMC Public Health. 9:289.
(2009) Fujiwara T, Barber C, Schaechter J, Hemenway D. Characteristics of infant homicides in the U.S.: findings from a multi-site reporting system. Pediatrics. 124(2): e210-7.
(2009) Goble S, Neal M, Clark DE, Nathens AB, Annest JL, Faul M, Sattin RW, Li L, Levy PS, Mann NC, Guice K, Cassidy LD, Fildes JJ. Creating a nationally representative sample of patients from trauma centers. Journal of Trauma. 67(3):637-42; discussion 642-4.
(2009) Hemenway D. How to find nothing. Journal of Public Health Policy. 30(3):260-8.
(2009) Hemenway D, Barber CW, Gallagher SS, Azrael DR. Creating a National Violent Death Reporting System: a successful beginning. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 37(1):68-71.
(2009) Johnson RM, Coyne-Beasley T. Lethal means reduction: what have we learned? Current Opinion in Pediatrics. 21(5):635-40.
(2009) Miller M, Barber C, Azrael D, Calle EE, Lawler E, Mukamal KJ. Suicide among US veterans: A prospective study of 500,000 middle-aged and elderly men. American Journal of Epidemiology. 170(4):494-500.
(2009) Miller M, Barber C, Azrael D, Hemenway D, Molnar B. The association between living in a household with firearms and recent psychopathology: findings from the National Comorbidity Study Replication. Injury Prevention. 15:178-182.
(2009) Miller M, Borges G. Firearms and suicide in Mexico: Intimations of mortality. Jovenes. 32: 90-107.
(2009) Mukamal K, Wee C, Miller M. Body-mass index and rates of suicide in the United States: an ecological analysis. Obesity. 17(10):1946–1950.
(2009) Rathmell J and Miller M. Death following initiation of intrathecal drug therapy for chronic pain: what is the real risk of mortality? Are these deaths preventable? Anesthesiology. 111(4):706-708.
(2009) Shafi S, Nathens AB, Cryer HG, Hemmila MR, Pasquale MD, Clark DE, Neal M, Goble S, Meredith JW, Fildes JJ. The trauma quality improvement program of the American college of surgeons committee on trauma. Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 209(4):521-530.
(2008) Almeida J, Cohen AP, Subramanian SV, Molnar BE. Are increased worker caseloads in state child protective service agencies a potential explanation for the decline in child sexual abuse? A multilevel analysis. Child Abuse & Neglect. 32(3):367-75.
(2008) Austin SB, Roberts AL, PhD, Corliss HL, Molnar, BE. Sexual violence victimization history and sexual risk indicators in a community-based urban cohort of “mostly heterosexual” women. American Journal of Public Health. 98(6):1015-1020.
(2008) Barber C, Azrael D, Hemenway D, et al. Suicide and suicide attempts following homicides: victim-suspect relationship, weapon type, and presence of antidepressants. Homicide Studies. 12:285-297.
(2008) Borges G, Benjet C, Medina-Mora ME, Orozco R, Molnar BE, Nock MK. Traumatic events and suicide-related outcomes among Mexico City adolescents. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 49(6): 654-666.
(2008) Clark DE, Ryan LM, Lucas FL. A multi-state piecewise exponential model of hospital outcomes after injury. Journal of Applied Statistics. 34:1225-1239.
(2008) Finley CJ, Hemenway D, Clifton J, Brown DRG, Simons RK, Hameed SM. The demographics of significant firearm injury in Canadian trauma centres and the associated predictors if in-hospital mortality. Canadian Journal of Surgery. 51(3):197-203.
(2008) Gorra, AS, Clark DE, Mullins RJ, DeLorenzo MA. Regional variation in hospital mortality and 30-day mortality for injured Medicare patients. World Journal of Surgery. 32:954-959.
(2008) Gupta J, Aceveco-Garcia D, Hemenway D, Decker MR, Raj A, Silverman JG. Premigration Exposure to political violence and perpetration of intimate partner violence among immigrant men in Boston. American Journal of Public Health. 99(3):462-9.
(2008) Gupta J, Stein D, Hemenway D, Williams D, Acevedo-Barcia D, Silverman J. Physical violence against intimate partners and related exposures to violence among South African men.. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 179(6):535-41.
(2008) Howland J, Rohsenow DJ, Edwards EM. Are some drinkers resistant to hangover? A literature review. Current Drug Abuse Reviews. (1): 42-46.
(2008) Howland J, Rohsenow DJ, Allensworth-Davies D, Greece J, Almeida A, Minsky SJ, Arnedt JT, Hermos J. The incidence and severity of hangover the morning after alcohol intoxication. Addiction. 103(5):758-65.
(2008) Howland J, Rohseow DJ, Minsky SJ, Snoberg J, Tagerud S, Hunt SK, Almeida A, Greece JA, Allensworth-Davies D. The effects of transdermal scopolamine on simulated ship navigation and attention/reaction time. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health. 14(4):250-6.
(2008) Kessler RC, Borges G, Sampson N, Miller M, Nock MK. The association between smoking and subsequent suicide-related outcomes in the National Comorbidity Survey panel sample. Molecular Psychiatry. 14: 1132-1142.
(2008) Larsen G, Barber C, Kosegarten D, Olson L. Survey of toxicologic testing practices for a violent death surveillance system. Homicide Studies. 12:277-284.
(2008) Miller M., Hemenway D. Firearms and suicide in America. New England Journal of Medicine. 359:672-3.
(2008) Miller M, Mogun H, Azrael D, Hempstead K, Solomon D. Cancer and the risk of suicide in older Americans. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 26(29):4720-4.
(2008) Molnar BE, Cerda M, Roberts AL, Buka SL. Effects of neighborhood resources on aggressive and delinquent behaviors among urban youths. American Journal of Public Health. 98(6):1086-93.
(2008) Moore L, Clark DE. The value of trauma registries. Injury. 39:686-695.
(2008) Mukamal K, Miller M. Body mass index and risk factors for suicide: Why is BMI inversely related to suicide? Obesity. (17)3: 532–538.
(2008) Nagata T, Hemenway D, Perry M, Setoguchi S. The effectiveness of a law to reduce alcohol-impaired driving in Japan. Injury Prevention. 14:19-23.
(2008) Owen-Smith A, Hathaway J, Roche M, Gioiella ME, Whall-Strojwas D, Silverman J. Screening for domestic violence in an oncology clinic: barriers and potential solutions. Oncology Nursing Forum. 35(4): 625-633.
(2008) Phillips B, Clark DE, Nathens AB, Shiloach M, Freel AC. Comparison of injury patient information from hospitals with records in both the National Trauma Data Bank and the Nationwide Inpatient Sample. Journal of Trauma. 64:768-780.
(2008) Rothman, EF, Corso, PS. Estimating the cost of employing partner violence perpetrators. Violence Against Women. 14(9):1054-64.
(2008) Rothman, EF, Corso, PS. Propensity for intimate partner abuse and workplace productivity: why employers should care (a research note); Violence Against Women. 14(9):1054-64.
(2008) Segui-Gomez M, Miller M. Injury prevention and control: reflections on the state and the direction of the field. Salud Publica de Mexico. vol.50 suppl.1.
(2008) Wray M, Miller M, Gurvey J, Kawachi I. Leaving Las Vegas: exposure to Las Vegas and risk of suicide. Social Science and Medicine. 67(11):1882-8.
(2007) Brennan RT, Molnar BE, Earls F. Refining the measurement of exposure to violence (ETV) in urban youth. Journal of Community Psychology; 35 (5):603-618.
(2007) Clark, DE, DeLorenzo, MA, Lucas, FL, Cushing, BM. Initial presentation of older injured patients to high-volume hospitals is not associated with lower 30-day mortality in Medicare data. Critical Care Medicine; 35:1829-1836.
(2007) Clark DE, Lucas FL, Ryan LM. Predicting hospital mortality, length of stay, and transfer to long-term care for injured patients. Journal of Trauma; 62:592-600.
(2007) Clark DE, Ryan LM, Lucas FL. A multi-state piecewise exponential model of hospital outcomes after injury. Journal of Applied Statistics.34(10): 1225-1239.
(2007) Decker MR, Silverman JG, Raj A. Sexual violence against adolescent girls: Influences of immigration and acculturation, Violence Against Women; 13 (5) 498-513.
(2007) De Vos, E., Spivak, H., Hatmaker-Flanigan, E., & Sege, R. D. A Delphi Approach to Reach Consensus on Primary Care Guidelines regarding Youth Violence Prevention. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 46(3), 331.
(2007) Donohue JT, Clark DE, DeLorenzo MA. Long-term survival after head injury in Medicare patients. Journal of Trauma; 62(2):419-23.
(2007) Hepburn L, Miller M, Azrael D, Hemenway. The United States gun stock: results from the 2004 national firearms survey. Injury Prevention; 13(1):15-9.
(2007) Howland J, Bell N, Hollander I. Causes, types and severity of injury among Army soldiers hospitalized with alcohol comorbidity. Addiction. 102:1411-20.
(2007) McCloskey L, Williams CM, Lichter E, Gerber M., Ganz ML, Sege R. Abused women disclose partner interference with health care: An unrecognized form of battering. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 22(8):1067-72.
(2007) Miller E, Decker MR, Silverman JG, Raj A. Migration, sexual exploitation, and women’s health: a case report from a community health center. Violence Against Women. 13(5):486-97.
(2007) Miller M, Hemenway D, Azrael D. State-level homicide victimization rates in the US in relation to survey measures of household firearm ownership, 2001-03. Social Science and Medicine; 64(3):656-64.
(2007) Miller M, Lippmann, SJ, Azrael D, Hemenway D. Household firearm ownership and rates of suicide across the 50 U.S. states. Journal of Trauma. 61:1029-35.
(2007) Mukamal K, Kawachi I, Miller M, Rimm. Body-mass index and risk of suicide among men. Archives of Internal Medicine. 12;167(5):468-75
(2007) Mukamal K, Kawachi I, Miller M, Rimm E. Drinking frequency and quantity and risk of suicide among men. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 42(2):153-60.
(2007) Rohsenow DJ, Howland J. Caffeinated alcohol beverages: Attractive misunderstood danger for young adults. Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application. 2C(11):7-8.
(2007) Rohsenow DJ, Howland J, Minsky SJ, Greece J, Almeida A, Roehrs T. The acute hang-over scale: A new measure of immediate hangover symptoms. Addictive Behaviors. 32:1314-20.
(2007) Silverman JG, Decker MR, Raj A. Immigration-based disparities in vulnerabilities to dating violence among adolescent girls. Maternal and Child Health; 11(1):37-43.
(2007) Weiner J, Wiebe D, Richmond T, Beam K, Berman A, Branas C, Cheney R, Coyne-Beasley T, Firman T, Fishbein M, Hargarten S, Hemenway D, Jeffcoat R, Kennedy D, Koper C, Lemaire J, Miller M, Roth, Schwab CW, Spitzer R, Teret S, Vernick J, and Webster D. Reducing firearm violence: a research agenda. Injury Prevention; 13(2):80-4.
(2006) Baxley F. & Miller M. Parental misperceptions about her children and firearms. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine; 160:542-47.
(2006) Clark DE., Ahmad S. Estimating injury severity using the Barell matrix. Injury Prevention; 12:111-116.
(2006) Hepburn L, Azrael D. Miller M. Hemenway D. The effect of child access prevention laws on unintentional child firearm fatalities, 1979-2000. Journal of Trauma; 61(2):423-8.
(2006) Hemenway, D. Review of national research council. Firearms and violence: A critical review. Injury Prevention. 12:277.
(2006) Hemenway D. The public health approach to reducing firearm injury and violence, Stanford Law & Policy Review; 17:635-36.
(2006) Hemenway D, Aglipay GS, Helsing KL, Raskob GE. Injury prevention and control research and training in accredited schools of public health: a CDC/ASPH assessment. Public Health Reports; 121:349-51.
(2006) Hemenway D, Vriniotis M, Miller M. Is an armed society a polite society? Guns and road rage. Accident Analysis and Prevention; 38:687-95.
(2006) Howland J, Almeida A, Rohsenow DJ, Greece JA, Minsky S. How safe are Federal regulation on occupational alcohol use safe? Journal of Public Health Policy 27:389-404.
(2006) Howland J, Manocchia M, Peterson EW, Almeida A, DiPietro K, Morgan S. Health care provider awareness of hip protectors: Results from a pilot survey. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics. 25:1-15.
(2006) Howland J, Peterson E, Kivell E. Special Report from CDC- Hip protectors efficacy and barriers to adoption to prevent fall-related injuries in older adults: findings and recommendations from an international workgroup. Journal of Safety Research; 37(4):421-4.
(2006) Howland J, Peterson EW, Kivell E. Barriers to adoption of hip protectors in the US: Findings and recommendations from an international workgroup. Journal of Injury Research, 37:421-424.
(2006) Johnson RM, Miller M, Vriniotis M, Azrael D, Hemenway D. Are household firearms stored less safely in homes with adolescents?: Analysis of a national random sample of parents. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine; 160(8):788-92.
(2006) Kacanek D, Hemenway D. Gun carrying and drug selling among young incarcerated men and women. Journal of Urban Health; 83: 266-74.
(2006) Lemard G, Hemenway, D. Violence in Jamaica: an analysis of homicides 1998-2002. Injury Prevention; 12(1): 15-8.
(2006) Miller M, Azrael D, Hepburn L, Hemenway D, Lippmann SJ. The association between changes in household firearm ownership and rates of suicide in the United States, 1981-2002. Injury Prevention. 12:178-82.
(2006) Miller M, Azrael D, Hemenway D. Belief in the inevitability of suicide: results from a national survey. Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior. 36:1-11.
(2006) Nagata T, Hemenway D, Perry MJ. The effectiveness of a new law to reduce alcohol-impaired driving in Japan. Japanese Medical Association Journal. 49: 365-69.
(2006) Powell V, Barber C, Hedegaard H, et al. Using NVDRS data for suicide prevention: promising practices in seven states. Injury Prevention. 12 Suppl 2:ii28-ii32.
(2006) Rehkopf D, Buka S. The association between suicide and the socio-economic characteristics of geographical areas: a systematic review. Psychological Medicine; 36(2): 145-157.
(2006) Rohsenow DJ, Howland J, Minsky S, Arnedt JT. Effects of heavy drinking by maritime academy cadets on hangover, perceived sleep, and next day ship power plant operation. Journal of Studies on Alcohol; 67:406-415.
(2006) Rothman EF, Johnson RM, Hemenway D. Gun possession among a sample of Massachusetts batterer program enrollees, Evaluation Review; 30:283-95.
(2006) Sege RE, Hatmaker-Flanigan E, De Vos E, Levin-Goodman R, Spivak H. Anticipatory guidance and violence prevention: results from family and pediatrician focus groups. Pediatrics; 117(2): 455-63.
(2006) Shenassa ED, Daskalakis C, Buka SL. Utility of indices of gun availability in the community. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 60(1): 44-49.
(2006) Silverman JG, Decker MR, Reed E, Raj A. Intimate partner violence around the time of pregnancy and breastfeeding behavior among U.S. women. Journal of Womens Health; 15(8):934-40.
(2006) Silverman JG, Decker MR, Reed E, Raj A. Intimate partner violence victimization prior to and during pregnancy among U.S. women: Associations with maternal and neonatal health. Am J Obstet Gyn; 195(1):140-148.
(2006) Silverman JG, Decker MR, Reed E, Rothman EF, Hathaway JE, Raj A, Miller E. Social norms and beliefs regarding sexual risk and pregnancy involvement among adolescent males treated for dating violence perpetration. J Urban Health; 83(4):723-35.
(2006) Sorenson S and Miller M. Incomplete priorities: ignoring the role of firearms in US suicides. American Journal of Public Health. 96(7):1149.
(2006) Trokel M, Terrin N, Discala C, Sege R. Patient and injury characteristics in abusive abdominal injuries. Pediatric Emergency Care; 22(10):700-4.
(2006) Trokel, M, Wadimmba A, Griffith J, Sege R. Variation in the diagnosis of child abuse in severely injured infants. Pediatrics; 117:722-28.
(2005) Barber C. Fatal connection: firearms and completed suicide. Advancing Suicide Prevention; 1(2): 25-26.
(2005) Browne A, Barber CW, Stone DM, Meyer AL, Public health training on the prevention of youth violence and suicide: An overview. American Journal of Preventive Medicine; 29(5S2): 233-239.
(2005) Clark DE, Ahmad S. Is the number of traffic fatalities in American hospitals decreasing? Accident Analysis & Prevention; 37:755-760.
(2005) Clark D., DeLorenzo M, Lucas F.L., Wennberg D. Injuries in older Americans with and without Medicare. American Journal of Public Health; 95:273-278.
(2005) Coyne-Beasley T, Runyan CW, Baccaglini L, Perkis D, Johnson RM. Storage of poisonous substances and firearms in homes with young children as residents or visitors, and older adults. American Journal of Preventive Medicine; 28(1):109-15.
(2005) Flaherty E and Sege R. Barriers to physician identification and reporting of child abuse. Pediatric Annals; 34(5): 349-356.
(2005) Marshall SW, Runyan CW, Yang J, Coyne-Beasley T, Waller AE, Johnson RM, Perkis D. Prevalence of selected risk and protective factors for falls in the home. American Journal of Preventive Medicine; 28(1):95-101.
(2005) McCloskey LA, Lichter E, Ganz ML, Williams CM, Gerber MR, Sege R, Stair T, Herbert B, Intimate partner violence and patient screening across medical specialties. Academic Emergency Medicine; 12(8): 712-722.
(2005) Miller, M. One third of households in the USA own firearms which are often stored unsafely. Evidence-Based Healthcare and Public Health. 9:23-25.
(2005) Miller M, Azrael D, Vriniotis M, Hemenway D. Firearm storage practices and rates of unintentional firearm deaths in the United States. Accident Analysis & Prevention; 37: 661-667.
(2005) Molnar BE, Browne A, Cerda M, Buka S. Violent behavior by girls reporting violent victimization: A prospective study. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine; 159(8): 731-739.
(2005) Molnar BE, Roberts A, Browne A, Gardener H, Buka S. What girls need: Recommendations for preventing violence among urban girls in the U.S. Social Science & Medicine; 60: 2191-2204.
(2005) Peterson EW, McMahon E, Farkas M, Howland J. Completing the cycle of scholarship and practice: A model for dissemination and utilization of evidence-based interventions. Occupational Health in Health Care; 19:31-46.
(2005) Reading R, Haynes R, Shenassa E. Neighborhood influences on child injury risk. Children, Youth and Environments; 15:165-185.
(2005) Rothman E., Hemenway D., Miller M., and Azrael D. Batterers’ use of guns to threaten intimate partners. Journal of the American Medical Women’s Association. 60(1):64-68.
(2005) Runyan CW, Casteel C, Perkis D, Black C, Marshall SW, Johnson RM, Coyne-Beasley T, Waller AE, Shankar V. Unintentional injuries in the home in the United States – Part 1: Mortality. American Journal of Preventive Medicine; 28(1):73-9.
(2005) Runyan CW, Johnson RM, Yang J, Marshall SW, Waller AE, Perkis D, Coyne-Beasley T, McGee KS. Risk and protective factors for fires, burns, and carbon monoxide poisoning in U.S. households. American Journal of Preventive Medicine; 28(1):102-8.
(2005) Runyan CW, Perkis D, Marshall SW, Johnson RM, Coyne-Beasley T, Waller AE, Black C, Baccaglini L. Unintentional injuries in the home in the United States – Part II: Mortality. American Journal of Preventive Medicine; 28(1):80-7.
(2005) Sege R, Flanigan E, Levin-Goodman R, Licenziato V, De Vos E, Spivak H. American Academy Of Pediatrics’ Connected Kids Program: case study. American Journal of Preventive Medicine; 29(5 Suppl 2): 215-9.
(2005) Sege R and Hoffman J. Training health professionals in youth violence prevention. American Journal of Preventive Medicine (supplement); 29(5S2): 175-181.
(2005) Sege R, Licenziato VG, Webb S. Bringing violence prevention into the clinic: the Massachusetts Medical Society Violence Prevention Project. American Journal of Preventive Medicine; 29(5 Suppl 2): 230-2.
(2005) Stone D, Barber C, Potter L. Public health training online: the national center for suicide prevention training. American Journal of Preventive Medicine; 29(5S2): 247-251.
(2005) Trowbridge MJ., Sege RD, Olson L, O’Connor K, Flaherty E, Spivak, H. Intentional injury prevention and management in pediatric practice: results from 1998 and 2003 American Academy of Pediatrics periodic surveys. Pediatrics; 116(4): 996-1000.
(2005) Walsh S, Hemenway D. Intimate partner violence: homicides followed by suicides in Kentucky. Journal of the Kentucky Medical Association; 103: 667-670.
(2004) Azrael D, Cook P, Miller M. State and Local Prevalence of Firearm Ownership: Measurement, Structure and Trends. Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 20(1): 43-62.
(2004) Azrael D, Hemenway D, Miller M, Barber CW, Schackner R. Youth suicide: Insights from 5 years of Arizona child fatality review team data. Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior; 34(1): 36-43.
(2004) Clark DE. A practical introduction to record linkage for injury research. Injury Prevention; 10:186-191.
(2004) Clark DE, Anderson KA, Hahn DR. Evaluation of an inclusive trauma system using linked population-based data. Journal of Trauma; 57: 501-509.
(2004) Clark DE, Cushing BM. Rural and urban traffic fatalities, vehicle miles, and population density. Accident Analysis and Prevention; 36(6):967-72.
(2004) Clark DE, DeLorenzo M., F.L. Lucas. Epidemiology and short-term outcomes of injured Medicare patients; Journal of the American Geriatrics Society; 52:2023-2030.
(2004) Clark DE, Winchell RW. Risk adjustment for injured patients using administrative data. Journal of Trauma; 57:130-140.
(2004) DiScala C, Sege R. Outcomes in children and young adults hospitalized for firearms-related injuries. Pediatrics; 113(5):1306-12.
(2004) Flaherty EG, Jones R, Sege R. Telling their stories: Primary care practitioners’ experience evaluating and reporting injuries caused by child abuse. Child Abuse and Neglect; 28(9): 939-45.
(2004) Greenberg-Seth J, Hemenway D, Gallagher SS, Lissy KS, Ross JB. Factors associated with rear seating of children in motor vehicles. Accident Analysis and Prevention; 36(4): 621-6.
(2004) Greenberg-Seth J, Hemenway D, Gallagher SS, Ross JB, Lissy KS. Evaluation of a community-based intervention to promote rear seating in children. American Journal of Public Health; 94(6):1009-13.
(2004) Hemenway D, Miller M. Gun threats against and self-defense gun use by California adolescents. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine; 158:395-400.
(2004) Hepburn L, Hemenway D. Firearm availability and homicide: A review of the literature. Aggression and Violent Behavior: A Review Journal. 9:417-448.
(2004) Hepburn L, Miller M, Azrael D, Hemenway D. Much Ado about Nothing? The effect of nondiscretionary concealed weapon carrying laws on homicide. Journal of Trauma. 56(3):676-81
(2004) Lichter, EL, McCloskey, L.A. Exposure to marital violence in childhood, adolescent, gender attitudes, and dating violence: a prospective study. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 28. 344-357.
(2004) Miller M, Azrael D, Hemenway D. The epidemiology of suicide case fatality rates in the Northeast. Annals of Emergency Medicine; 43(6): 723-30.
(2004) Miller M and Hemenway D. Unsupervised Firearm Handling by California Adolescents. Injury Prevention. 10(3):163-8.
(2004) Miller M, Hemenway D, Azrael D. Firearms and suicide in the Northeast. Journal of Trauma; 57(3): 626-32.
(2004) Molnar BE. Child abuse, neglect and health (2004). Encyclopedia of Health and Behavior, Editor: Anderson N. Sage Publications Inc: Thousand Oaks, CA. 167-170.
(2004) Molnar BE, Gortmaker S, Bull F, Buka S. Unsafe to play? Neighborhood disorder and lack of safety predict reduced physical activity among urban children and adolescents. American Journal of Health Promotion; 18(5): 378-86.
(2004) Molnar BE, Miller M, Azrael D, Buka S. Neighborhood predictors of concealed firearm carrying among children and adolescents: Results from the project on human development in Chicago neighborhoods. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine; 158(7):657-64.
(2004) Petridou E, Kouri N, Vadala H, Dalamaga M, and Sege R. Frequency and nature of recorded childhood immunization-related errors in Greece. Journal of Toxicology; 42(3): 273-276.
(2004) Philippakis A, Hemenway D, Alexe DM, Dessypris N, Spyridopoulos T, Petridou E. A quantification of preventable unintentional childhood injury mortality in the United States. Injury Prevention; 10: 79-82.
(2004) Prothrow-Stith D, Strengthening the collaboration between public health and criminal justice to prevent violence. Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics; 32(1): 82-8.
(2004) Rothman EF, Perry MJ. Intimate partner abuse perpetrated by employees. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology; 9:238-46.
(2004) Sege R. The multi-site violence prevention project: A commentary from academic research. American Journal of Preventive Medicine; 26:78-9.
(2004) Shinoda-Tagawa T, Leonard R, Pontikas J, McDonough JE, Allen D, Dreyer PI. Resident-to-resident violent incidents in nursing homes. JAMA; 291:2074-75.
(2004) Stein MT, San Luis NB, Sege R. Bullying: concealed by behavioral and somatic symptoms. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics; 25(5):347-351.
(2004) Trokel M, Discala C, Terrin N, Sege R. Blunt abdominal injury in the young pediatric patient: Child abuse and patient outcomes. Child Maltreatment. 9:111-114.
(2003) Clark DE. Effect of population density on mortality after motor vehicle collisions. Accident Analysis and Prevention; 35:965-971.
(2003) Clark DE. Trauma system evaluation using the Fatality Analysis Reporting System. Journal of Trauma; 54:1199-1204.
(2003) Clark DE, Shinoda-Tagawa T. Avoidable mortality. American Journal of Public Health; 93:186 (letter to editor).
(2003) Dunham CM, Barraco RD, Clark DE, et al. Guidelines for emergency tracheal intubation immediately after traumatic injury. Journal of Trauma; 55:162-179.
(2003) Hartnett KL, Winchell RJ, Clark DE. Management of adult splenic injury: A 20-year perspective. The American Surgeon; 69:608-611.
(2003) Hayes DN, Sege R. FIGHTS: A preliminary screening tool for adolescent firearms-carrying. The Annuals of Emergency Medicine. 42: 798-807.
(2003) Hemenway D. The epidemiology of U. S. firearm injuries. Journal of Public Health Policy; 24: 380-85.
(2003) Hemenway D. (book review) Malcolm JL. Guns and violence: The English experience. Psychology Today. January.
(2003) Hepburn L, Miller M, Azrael D, Hemenway D. The effect of non-discretionary concealed weapon carrying laws on homicide. Journal of Trauma. 56(3): 676-681.
(2003) Molnar BE, Buka SL, Brennan RT, Holton JK, Earls F. A multi-level study of parent-to-child physical aggression: results from the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods. Child Maltreatment; 8: 84-97.
(2003) Potter L, Stone DM. Suicide prevention in schools: what can and should be done. American Journal of Health Education. 34(5). suppl. S-35-S41.
(2003) Shenassa ED, Catlin SN, Buka SL. Lethality of firearms relative to other suicide methods: a population based study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health; 57:120-24.
(2003) Shinoda-Tagawa T, Clark DE. Trends in hospitalization after injury: older women are displacing young men. Injury Prevention; 9:214-219.
(2003) Thompson KM. The Role of Bath Seats in Unintentional Infant Bathtub Drowning Deaths. Medscape General Medicine. March 26, 2003. Available at:
(2003) Turner S, LeWinn K, Browne A. Girl’s violence: New trends and clinical implications for the emergency department physician. Trauma and Injury Prevention, American College of Physicians Newsletter.
(2003) Vernick J, Hepburn L. State and federal gun laws: Trends for 1970-99. In: Evaluating Gun Policy Effects on Crime and Violence. Washington, DC. The Brookings Institution.
(2002) Barber C, Hemenway D, Hochstadt J & Azrael D. Underestimates of unintentional firearm fatalities: Comparing supplementary homicide report data with vital statistics. Injury Prevention; 8: 252-256.
(2002) Clark DE, Chu MK. Increasing importance of the elderly in a trauma system. American Journal of Emergency Medicine; 20:108-111.
(2002) Clark DE, Cushing BM. Predicted effect of automatic crash notification on traffic mortality. Accident Analysis and Prevention; 34: 103-109.
(2002) Clark DE, Ryan LM. Concurrent prediction of hospital mortality and length of stay from risk factors on admission. Health Services Research; 37: 631-645.
(2002) Derrig RA, Segui-Gomez M, Abtahi A, Liu LL. The effect of population safety belt usage rates on motor vehicle-related fatalities. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 34(1):101-110.
(2002) Flaherty EG, Sege R, Mattson CL, Binns HJ. Assessment of suspicion for abuse in the primary care setting. Journal of Ambulatory Pediatrics Association; 2(2):120-6.
(2002) Hemenway D. (editorial) Lethal violence in schools. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law; 27: 267-271.
(2002) Hemenway D, Miller M. The association of rates of household handgun ownership, lifetime major depression and serious suicidal thoughts with rates of suicide across U.S. census regions. Injury Prevention; 8:313-316.
(2002) Hemenway D, Shinoda-Tagawa T, Miller M. Firearm availability and female homicide victimization rates across 25 populous high income countries. Journal of the American Medical Women’s Association. 57:100-104.
(2002) Hingson R, Howland J. Comprehensive community interventions to promote health: Implications for college-age drinking problems. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Supplement No. 14: 226-240.
(2002) Hochheiser GM, Clark DE, Morton JR. Operative technique, paraplegia, and mortality after blunt traumatic aortic injury. Archives of Surgery; 137:434-438.
(2002) Howland J, Weinberg J, Smith E, Laramie A, Kupka M. Prevalence of allergy symptoms and associated medication use in a sample of college seniors. The Journal American College Health; 51:67-70.
(2002) May JP, Hemenway D, Hall A. Do criminals go to the hospital when they are shot? Injury Prevention; 8: 236-238.
(2002) Miller M (Editorial). Means matter: firearm availability and suicide. Harvard Public Health Review.
(2002) Miller M, Azrael D, Hemenway D. Firearm availability and unintentional firearm deaths, suicide and homicide among 5-14 year olds. Journal of Trauma; 52: 267-275.
(2002) Miller M, Azrael D, Hemenway D. Firearm availability and unintentional firearm deaths, suicide and homicide among women. Journal of Urban Health; 79: 26-38.
(2002) Miller M, Azrael D, Hemenway D. Household firearm ownership levels and suicide rates across regions and states, 1988-1997. Epidemiology; 13:517-524.
(2002) Miller M, Azrael D, Hemenway D, Solop FI. Road rage in Arizona: Armed and dangerous? Accident Analysis and Prevention; 34: 807-814.
(2002) Miller M, Azrael D, Hemenway D. Rates of household firearm ownership and homicide across U.S. regions and states, 1988-1997. American Journal of Public Health. 92(12):1988-93.
(2002) Miller M, Hemenway D, Wechsler H. Guns and gun threats at college. Journal of American College Health; 51:57-65.
(2002) Petridou, E., Browne, A., Dessypris, N., Dedoukou, Z., Lichter, E., Alexe, D. What distinguishes unintentional injuries from injuries due to intimate partner violence: a study in Greek ambulatory care settings. Injury Prevention. 8:197-201.
(2002) Prothrow-Stith D. Youth violence prevention: The intersection between public health and justice. Contemporary Justice Review. 5:121-131.
(2002) Sege RD, Kharasch S, Perron C, Supran S, O’Malley P, Li W, and Stone D. Pediatric violence-related injuries in Boston: Results of a city-wide emergency department surveillance program. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine; 156:73-76.
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