All articles related to "chronic disease":

Winter 2014 Frontlines

[ Winter 2014 ] Quick updates about the latest public health news from across the School and beyond. The end of trans fats? A proposal issued in November 2013 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), if finalized, would…

Mediterranean diet boosts women's physical, mental health

A Mediterranean diet—rich in fish, nuts, vegetables, and fruits—appears to reduce the chances of developing chronic disease later in life, according to new research from Harvard School of Public Health. Tracking the dietary habits of over 10,000 women…

Laura Kubzansky recognized for contributions to field

October 30, 2013 — Laura Kubzansky, professor of social and behavioral sciences at Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), recently was elected to the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research (ABMR). Kubzansky, also…

The staggering toll of noncommunicable diseases

October 29, 2013 — Chronic diseases including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, are the leading cause of death worldwide, with the burden falling heaviest in low- and middle-income countries. A new article by Harvard School of Public Health…

Deadly environments

[Fall 2013 Centennial issue] On a October afternoon in 1948, daylight barely trickled into the storefronts of Donora, Pennsylvania. Stagnant weather had trapped a noxious black cloud of emissions from nearby steel and zinc plants above the town,…

HPV screening: Saving lives in resource-poor nations

[Fall 2013 Centennial issue] Each year, approximately half a million women develop cervical cancer, a malignancy linked to high-risk strains of the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV). In wealthy nations, cervical cancer deaths have plummeted over the six…

Aircraft noise linked with heart problems

For immediate release: Tuesday, October 8, 2013 Boston, MA — Older people exposed to aircraft noise, especially at high levels, may face increased risk of being hospitalized for cardiovascular disease, according to a new study from Harvard School…