All articles related to "chronic disease":

The health benefits of trees

A growing body of research shows that regularly spending time around trees provides a wide range of human health benefits, from lowering stress to improving cognition to boosting longevity.

Preventing Cancer

Although 1 in 5 men and 1 in 6 women worldwide develop some type of cancer during their lifetime, those diagnosed are living longer than ever, thanks to screening and early detection, vaccinations, and improvements in treatment. However,…


Jump to: –What is cancer? –Types and risk factors –Reducing cancer risk: --Screening --Vaccines --Lifestyle Definition and Overview Cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells divide and grow out of control, destroying healthy surrounding tissue. Normal healthy…

Optimism linked with lower risk of high blood pressure

People who had the highest levels of optimism—the tendency to believe good events are likely and bad events are unlikely—had a 22% lower risk of developing hypertension than those with the lowest levels of optimism, according to a…