All articles related to "exercise":

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The cost of childhood obesity

July 22, 2014 -- What’s the most cost-effective way to prevent childhood obesity? Is it by taxing sugary beverages? Requiring more physical education classes in schools? Eliminating the corporate tax deduction for marketing and advertising when it comes…

Social network project tackles obesity and diabetes

July 14, 2014 -- Making use of the ties between friends and family to promote healthy behaviors appears to motivate people to better manage their weight over the long term—and reduce their risk for obesity and diabetes—even in…

Muscle training linked with lowered risk of type 2 diabetes

A new Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) study finds that muscle strengthening and conditioning activities—like resistance exercise, yoga, stretching and toning—are associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. Following nearly 100,000 women over eight years,…

Adding years to life--and life to years

[Fall 2013 Centennial issue] Today, it’s conventional wisdom and a scientific truism that regular exercise is one of the healthiest habits around. But public health researchers weren’t always so certain that physical fitness was essential. One of the…