DrPH Student Publications

Students often have work published in academic and industry journals while enrolled in the DrPH Program. Please find links below highlighting the accomplishments of our talented student body.

Justin Smith

Justin C. Smith, DrPH '26

English, D., Oshin, L. A., Lopez, F. G., Smith, J. C., Busby, D. R., & Anestis, M. D. (2024). Systemic White supremacy: U.S. state policy, policing, discrimination, and suicidality across race and sexual identityJournal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science. Advance online publication

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Mrinalini Darswal

Mrinalini Darswal, DrPH '24

P. Dutta, D. Saha, M. Earle, C. P. Prasad, M. Singh, M. Darswal, V. Aggarwal, N. Naik, R. Yadav, A. Shankar, A. Chakraborty (2024). Unveiling HPV’s hidden link: Cardiovascular diseases and the viral intrigue. Indian Heart Journal, Volume 76, Issue 1.
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