Group Photos

10th Nutrition OMICS Symposium San Sebastían, Spain 2024.06.13

Journal club for AI methods

Visit Jane at HKU

Harvard garden trip

David Hunter visit HSPH

Chih-Fu graduation

Blue Hill hiking

Alaina PhD Defense 2024

Jun 2023. Group get-together at Mission Hill

May 2023. Congratulations to our new graduates from the group Garyk, Jinglun, Marius and Zihan


Alumni Liu Cao visited HSPH. Liu is now at Pfizer doing machine learning research

Group photos, welcome our new members, Buu, Zihan Sun, Zihan Wang, Huan, Vishal and Yijun.

ASHG Oct. 2022 @ Los Angeles. First in-person conference in 3 years.

August 2022 First in-person group meeting since the pandemic

HSPH 2022 Graduation, Boston 2022

HSPH 2022 Graduation

HSPH 2022 Graduation

PGSG Holiday Gathering, Boston, 2019

Liang group at ASHG, Houston 2019

Yichen PhD Graduation 2018

PGSG Christmas Party, Boston 2018