How to use windows executables on Mac OSX using Wine

Special thanks to Rebecca Payne (Biostat student who took Epid 293),  we now have a nice instruction on how to run windows executables on Mac OSX using Wine:

1. Download the Windows binary file (e.g. genome.exe from the GENOME package).

2. Follow the instructions at to install Wine on your Mac  (Parts 1-4). Wine will allow you to run the Windows executable file on your Mac without using a Windows emulator.

3. Restart Terminal and navigate to the folder containing genome.exe.

4. Use Genome as usual; however, to call Genome you must write

$wine genome.exe

instead of


For example, instead of

$genome -pop 2 20 20 -N 1000 -mig 0.0025 > output.txt

one would write

$wine genome.exe -pop 2 20 20 -N 1000 -mig 0.0025 > output.txt
