All articles related to "nutrition":

Social network project tackles obesity and diabetes

July 14, 2014 -- Making use of the ties between friends and family to promote healthy behaviors appears to motivate people to better manage their weight over the long term—and reduce their risk for obesity and diabetes—even in…

A spot to savor in Kresge Cafeteria

July 9, 2014 -- The deep pink of watermelon, the sharp crunch of carrots, the cool scent of fresh mint—these are some of the things that Lilian Cheung is hoping people will focus on while eating at the…

Innovation through collaboration

Harvard Catalyst fosters relationships across the University June 26, 2014 — Fathers tend not to be included in research on how kids are fed at home, despite increasing evidence that men are contributing more time to the daily…

No mental health benefit from fish oil

In spite of conventional wisdom that the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish can protect against depression, a large new study from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) found no such benefit. Researchers examined the link between suicide…

HSPH goes Hollywood with Fed Up film screening

“There are 600,000 food items in America. Eighty percent of them have added sugar,” according to the new film Fed Up, which was screened at Harvard School of Public Health on April 23, 2014 in Kresge G3. The…

Report compares dietary fat intake among countries

April 17, 2014—Harvard School of Public Health researchers and colleagues have compiled the first global data on dietary intakes of specific fats worldwide. The report compares the intake of saturated fat, cholesterol, trans fats, omega 3s, and other…