All articles related to "nutrition":

A muffin makeover: Dispelling the low-fat-is-healthy myth

Low-Fat Approach to Eating Hasn’t Reduced Obesity or Made People Healthier New Recipes for Healthier Muffins Using Whole Grains, Healthy Fats For immediate release: Thursday, January 12, 2012 Boston, MA — Dozens of studies, many from Harvard School…

Can brown rice slow the spread of type 2 diabetes?

January 3, 2012 The worldwide spike in type 2 diabetes in recent decades has paralleled a shift in diets away from staple foods rich in whole grains to highly refined carbohydrates, such as white rice and refined flours.…

Nutrition news: USDA’s ‘MyPlate’ doesn’t go far enough

The USDA’s MyPlate icon, aimed at providing Americans with easy-to-understand information about how to eat healthy, is an improvement on the old food pyramid but lacks certain key ingredients, said Walter Willett, chair of the Department of Nutrition…