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Can brown rice slow the spread of type 2 diabetes?
January 3, 2012 The worldwide spike in type 2 diabetes in recent decades has paralleled a shift in diets away from staple foods rich in whole grains to highly refined carbohydrates, such as white rice and refined flours.…
HSPH student helps Mass. Department of Public Health analyze raw milk distribution
[ Winter 2012 ] With the continuing trend toward ever-more “natural” diets, the raw milk debate has gathered steam, including here in Massachusetts where lawmakers have been considering legislation to loosen restrictions on selling raw milk for the…
Web site to promote food stamp reform
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Nutrition news: USDA’s ‘MyPlate’ doesn’t go far enough
The USDA’s MyPlate icon, aimed at providing Americans with easy-to-understand information about how to eat healthy, is an improvement on the old food pyramid but lacks certain key ingredients, said Walter Willett, chair of the Department of Nutrition…
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Staying trim when fat runs in the family
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Eat like a Mediterranean — but how?
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Nutrition news: Widely studied Mediterranean diet linked to good health
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