Department Assignments

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

For assistance, please read the Department Selection on an IRB Application Tip Sheet.

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Department Review Specialist
Ariadne Labs Steven Anzalone
Biostatistics Elizabeth Ehrlich
Center for Biostatistics in AIDS Research Ha Nguyen
Center for Community Based Research Elizabeth Ehrlich
Center for Health Communication Elizabeth Ehrlich
Center for Population and Development Studies Elizabeth Ehrlich
Environmental Health Elizabeth Ehrlich
Epidemiology Nicole Insalaco
FXB Center for Health and Human Rights Nicole Insalaco
Molecular Metabolism Steven Anzalone
Global Health and Population Elizabeth Ehrlich
Health Policy and Management Nicole Insalaco
Immunology and Infectious Diseases Steven Anzalone
IRB Office Nicole Insalaco
Nutrition Steven Anzalone
Social and Behavioral Sciences Elizabeth Ehrlich
Stanley Center (Broad) Steven Anzalone

Harvard Medical School / Harvard School of Dental Medicine

Department Review Specialist
Academic and Clinical Affairs Ha Nguyen
Anesthesia (BCH) Ha Nguyen
Anesthesia (BIDMC) Ha Nguyen
Anesthesia (BWH) Ha Nguyen
Anesthesia (MGH) Ha Nguyen
Biological Chemistry & Molecular Pharmacology Steven Anzalone
Biomedical Informatics Nicole Insalaco
Cell Biology Steven Anzalone
Center for Bioethics Steven Anzalone
Center for Primary Care Ha Nguyen
Continuing Education Elizabeth Ehrlich
Countway Library Ha Nguyen
Dental Education Elizabeth Ehrlich
Dermatology (BIDMC) Ha Nguyen
Dermatology (BWH) Ha Nguyen
Dermatology (MGH) Ha Nguyen
Developmental Biology Ha Nguyen
Diversity and Community Partnership Ha Nguyen
Division of Sleep Medicine Elizabeth Ehrlich
Emergency Medicine (BIDMC) Ha Nguyen
Emergency Medicine (BWH) Ha Nguyen
Emergency Medicine (MGH) Ha Nguyen
Endocrinology Elizabeth Ehrlich
Faculty Affairs Ha Nguyen
Family Van Ha Nguyen
Genetics Steven Anzalone
Global Health and Social Medicine Ha Nguyen
Harvard Catalyst Ha Nguyen
Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology (HST) Elizabeth Ehrlich
Harvard Program in Therapeutic Science (HiTS) Elizabeth Ehrlich
Health Care Policy Nicole Insalaco
Immunology Steven Anzalone
IRB Office Nicole Insalaco
Medical Education Elizabeth Ehrlich
Medicine (BIDMC) Steven Anzalone
Medicine (BWH) Steven Anzalone
Medicine (MGH) Steven Anzalone
Medicine (VA) Steven Anzalone
Microbiology Steven Anzalone
Neurobiology Steven Anzalone
Neurology Steven Anzalone
Neurosurgery (BCH) Steven Anzalone
Neurosurgery (BIDMC) Steven Anzalone
Neurosurgery (BWH) Steven Anzalone
Neurosurgery (MGH) Steven Anzalone
Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology (BIDMC) Nicole Insalaco
Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology (BWH) Nicole Insalaco
Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology (MGH) Nicole Insalaco
Office for Postdoctoral Fellowship Elizabeth Ehrlich
Ophthalmology Ha Nguyen
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Ha Nguyen
Oral Health Policy and Epidemiology Ha Nguyen
Oral Medicine, Infection, and Immunity Ha Nguyen
Orthopaedic Surgery (BCH) Ha Nguyen
Orthopaedic Surgery (BIDMC) Ha Nguyen
Orthopaedic Surgery (BWH) Ha Nguyen
Orthopaedic Surgery (MGH) Ha Nguyen
Otology and Laryngology Elizabeth Ehrlich
Pathology (BCH) Elizabeth Ehrlich
Pathology (BIDMC) Elizabeth Ehrlich
Pathology (BWH) Elizabeth Ehrlich
Pathology (MGH) Elizabeth Ehrlich
Pediatrics (BCH) Elizabeth Ehrlich
Pediatrics (MGH) Elizabeth Ehrlich
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Ha Nguyen
Population Medicine Ha Nguyen
Psychiatry (BCH) Nicole Insalaco
Psychiatry (BIDMC) Nicole Insalaco
Psychiatry (BWH) Nicole Insalaco
Psychiatry (McClean) Nicole Insalaco
Psychiatry (MGH) Nicole Insalaco
Psychiatry (VA) Nicole Insalaco
Radiation Oncology (BIDMC) Ha Nguyen
Radiation Oncology (DFCI/BWH/CHB) Ha Nguyen
Radiation Oncology (MGH) Ha Nguyen
Radiology (BCH) Ha Nguyen
Radiology (BIDMC) Ha Nguyen
Radiology (BWH) Ha Nguyen
Radiology (MGH) Ha Nguyen
Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials Sciences Elizabeth Ehrlich
Scholars in Medicine Office Elizabeth Ehrlich
Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology Elizabeth Ehrlich
Surgery (BCH) Ha Nguyen
Surgery (BIDMC) Ha Nguyen
Surgery (BWH) Ha Nguyen
Surgery (MGH) Ha Nguyen
Systems Biology Steven Anzalone
Wyss Institute Kim Serpico