The Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) created these videos with the intention of helping potential participants understand how research works, what questions they should consider asking, and things to think about when deciding whether to participate in a study. To access these videos in a language other than English or to see a complete listing of OHRP’s educational materials, visit their website here.
Part 1: What is Research
This video provides basic information about scientific research, the goals of research, and discusses how clinical research differs from medical care. (3:00)
Part 2: Clinical Trials
This video discusses types of human research with a focus on clinical trials, and explains common terms that potential participants should know. (4:20)
Part 3: Questions to Ask
This video emphasizes that participating in research is voluntary and encourages potential participants to ask questions and get the information they need to decide whether to participate. (4:44)
Research Use of Information and Samples from Patient Care
This video provides basic information about research use of information and biological samples from clinical care. (5:16)
Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)
This video explains the concept of Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), which review certain research studies involving human volunteers to ensure that the studies meet ethical standards and regulatory requirements. (6:45)