Health & Social Behavior Spotlight: Rachel Bishop on her Practicum at the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing

Photo credit: Reba Aldanha

Rachel Bishop, MPH-65, is a Rapport Fellow in the Health & Social Behavior field of study. She completed her 2017 summer practicum working with MA State Representative Jeffrey Sanchez for the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing.

Read her interview with Whitney Waddell here.

Webinar (July 26): Hosting Harvard MPH Students for Field Practice “101”

Are you interested in hosting a Harvard Chan student for their field experience? Sign up for our informational webinar on Tuesday, July 26 (12 noon to 1 p.m. EST) to add it to your calendar and learn more!

Our Masters of Public Health students are highly accomplished before they even begin their graduate studies at Harvard – and they are seeking learning opportunities with organizations doing great work in Massachusetts, the U.S., and around the world to put their new skills into practice. We will discuss:

  • The basics about the MPH practicum
  • Expectations for host organizations and preceptors
  • Examples of past projects
  • Everything you need to get started!

There will be plenty of time for questions and answers, and our staff is available to assist you if you decide to host a student.

Register here. Pre-registration is not required but is recommended.

Online Meeting Link:

Dial-In Number (United States): (641) 715-3580, Access Code: 188505
International Dial-In Numbers:

At the scheduled date and time of the meeting, dial into the conference line.  When prompted, enter the Access Code followed by the pound key. To join the online meeting, click on the online meeting link listed above and follow the prompts to join the meeting.

Student Profile: Erica Tukiainen

The joys (and benefits) of movement
Erica Tukiainen, earning a master’s in public health, wants society to get up and exercise

Erica Tukiainen, who spent a year learning from nutrition and obesity experts at the Harvard Chan School, is passionate about promoting exercise to fight obesity and encourage a healthy lifestyle. She will return to UCLA next year to complete her final year of medical school. Kris Snibbe/Harvard Staff Photographer


Preceptor Gathering Highlights Range of Student Impact

Zain Kassam, MD, MPH, FRCPC of OpenBiome at the 2016 Preceptor Appreciation Breakfast, describes his student Roshan Razik's Practicum project on C. difficile infections
Zain Kassam, MD, MPH, FRCPC of OpenBiome at the 2016 Preceptor Appreciation Breakfast, describes his student Roshan Razik’s Practicum project on C. difficile infections

Nineteen public health preceptors from host organizations in the metro Boston area joined staff from the Harvard Chan School’s Office of Education last week for the first time, for a Preceptor Appreciation Breakfast.

“My student, Agustina Saenz, developed recommendations for re-writing the zoning code for Boston,” said Jessica Taubner, Chief of Staff for Boston City Councilor-At-Large Ayanna Pressley. “We are very interested in working with another student next year. Can we get more than one?”

Every year, hundreds of Harvard graduate students work with experienced public health practitioners in Boston, elsewhere in the U.S., and around the world, to complete the required Practicum for the Master of Public Health degree.

Acting Dean David Hunter noted, “I have so much admiration for the work that you all do to improve public health and the wisdom and experience you offer our students. We could not do our part in training public health students without the contributions and commitment of preceptors such as yourselves.”

Attendees also offered suggestions for improvements to the field practice experience, such as encouraging students to start their projects earlier in the academic year, providing more information to students and preceptors, and convening preceptors more regularly.

Organizations interested in hosting a Harvard Chan School MPH student can find more information here.