Commencement 2024: Public Health Practice Awards

Pictured Above: Left to Right – Kasey Pomeroy, Faisal Reza, Patrick Chen: Gareth M. Green Award Recipients ¦ Julia Hummel Jimenez: James H. Ware Award Recipient The Office of Field Education and Practice is pleased to announce recipients of the Gareth M. Green Award and James H. Ware Award for 2024, which are presented during the week of Commencement ceremonies. Please visit each awardee’s link to learn more about their outstanding work in…

A midwife and an obstetrician meet at orientation…

Cathy Han, Ariel Bernstein, and Dr. Bameka Agery at the Busoga Health Forum office in Jinja, Uganda Ariel and I met during an orientation week at Harvard T.H. Chan. She is a midwife from Maine, and I am an obstetrician from California. We were both interested in volunteering in Uganda, a country with a high maternal mortality rate of 284 maternal deaths per 100,000 women, compared to 21 per 100,000…

What Do Changes in Ghana’s Fisheries Mean For Food Security

Idongesit Sampson, MPH ’24 (left) practicing net crafting with a fisherman in Mumford, Central Region, Ghana By Idongesit Sampson Rose Service Learning Fellow MPH Candidate, Health and Social Behavior The Republic of Ghana, often called the “Gateway to Africa,” is one of the many breathtaking African countries nestled on the continent’s west coast. It is renowned for its stunning landscapes and vibrant coastline, which boasts stunning beaches and vibrant fishing…

Mental Health Awareness in Ecuadorean Schools Through an Art-based Protocol

Francisco Alvarez, MPH’24 with Ecuadorean school educators and other participants

Francisco Alvarez, MPH ’24 with Ecuadorean school educators, school directors, and health professionals who participated in the Pre-Text Protocol workshop. By Francisco Alvarez Rose Service Learning Fellow MPH Candidate, Health Management I spent my last seven years working at one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. I graduated as an economist and have always been passionate about making innovative, groundbreaking, and essential therapies accessible to everyone. Personal family…

The Continued Stories of Rose Service Learning Alumni: Abrania Marrero

La Cajita Mutua (The Collective Box) Project Team

Pictured above: Abrania (left), and the La Cajita Mutua (The Collective Box) Project Team “El pan es el alimento del cuerpo; pero la libertad es el pan del alma.” Bread is the nourishment of the body; but liberty is the bread of the soul. – Luis Muñoz Rivera Let us tell a story—a story of a public health practitioner. A story of a scientist. A story of a girl from…

The Continued Stories of Rose Service Learning Alumni: Jen Cruz

Jen Cruz with Community Health Advocate Mobilization Program

Pictured above: Jen Cruz hosting the neighborhood block party for the Community Health Advocate Mobilization Program (CHAMP) With resources from the fellowship, Jen Cruz (PhD candidate) developed the Community Health Advocate Mobilization Program (CHAMP), a public health education program that provides community members with additional knowledge, skills and language that complement their lived experiences so they can more effectively advocate for the public health needs of their community.  This work…

The Continued Stories of Rose Service Learning Alumni: Esias Bedingar

Esias Bedingar presenting at the Africa CDC Youth Pre-Conference

Pictured above: Esias Bedingar speaking at the Africa CDC Youth Pre-Conference Esias Bedingar, PhD candidate (GHP) was awarded a Rose Service Learning Fellowship to support his work to understand more about perceptions and beliefs of Chadian youth (aged 15-24) on sexuality as it relates to HIV and AIDS transmission and prevention. Esias recently presented the results of the project as a TedX speaker at the Africa CDC Youth Pre-Conference –…

The Continued Stories of Rose Service Learning Alumni

Notes of gratitude from previous Rose Service Learning Fellows

Jocelyn Chu I found the above collection of statements as I was cleaning out my folders late last year.  We had just awarded and launched the 12th cohort of Rose Service Learning Fellows and this unexpected “find“ was a welcome surprise. These statements of appreciation and impact from past fellows confirm the transformative nature of an intentionally designed field-based learning experience. Whether it be with a local Boston-based organization or…

NEW Interactive Rose Service Learning Fellowship Map

World map identifying all of the Rose Service Learning Fellowship sites

Since 2018 the Rose Service Learning Fellowship has had a tremendous breadth of impact across the world. In the new interactive map, you can view the project title, organization, and location of the past 187 RSLF projects from Spring 2018 through Fall 2023! If you are interested in applying for the Rose Service Learning Fellowship or are looking for inspiration for your practicum, the map is a great place to…