2017 Commencement Award Recipients

This year, a number of SBS faculty, students and staff were the recipients of several awards.  Congratulations to:

Katie Cueva, SD ’17, who was awarded the Dr. Fang-Ching Sun Memorial Award for her dedication to promoting the health of vulnerable people.

Ann Crawford-Roberts, MPH ’17, who was awarded the Gareth M. Green Award for Excellence in Public Health Practice.

Theresa Timmes, MPH ’17, who was awarded the James H. Ware Award for Achievement in the Practice of Public Health.

Avanti Bharat Adhia, SD ’18 who received a Teaching Assistant Award.

Cassandra A. Okechukwu who received a Mentoring Award for enriching students’ academic, professional, and personal development.

Elizabeth Solomon, Assistant Director for Academic Affairs and Fellowship Programs, who received a Staff Recognition Award for her impact on the lives of students at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.