Students in the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences have the option of pursuing an interdisciplinary concentration designed to deepen their experience in academic or professional areas aligned with their career goals. The concentrations headed by SBS faculty are:
SBS Concentrations
Health Communication
The Health Communication Concentration (HCC) is a concentration housed within the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences. HCC prepares students who are interested in health communication to apply rigorous, theory-based research and methods to health and risk communication and to apply and evaluate health communication technologies.
Through coursework and practical experience, HCC provides a rich mix of conceptual, analytical, and applied competencies to understand the role of mass media institutions in public health, to be a critical consumer of health communication literature, and to obtain skills in using communication to promote public health policy and practice.
Learn more about the Health Communication Concentration.
Maternal and Child Health
The Maternal and Child Health Concentration (MCH) is designed for those who aspire to future leadership in the promotion of maternal and child health. It recognizes that contributions to MCH can be in research, policy development, advocacy, education, practice and in program planning and management. Leadership in MCH requires mastery of the knowledge of the special health care needs of MCH populations, analysis of the issues, and the programs addressing these needs worldwide.
Learn more about the Maternal and Child Health Concentration.
Women, Gender, and Health
The Working Group on Women, Gender, and Health was founded in 1996 by Harvard School of Public Health faculty members, postdoctoral fellows, and students interested in advancing the study of women, gender, and health at the School. In 2002, the school-wide faculty approved the Interdisciplinary Concentration on WGH. The Women, Gender, and Health Concentration is now governed by a Steering Committee comprised of faculty members, post-doctoral fellows, and students who meet monthly to discuss ways to promote curriculum development and public health research and practice regarding women, gender and health at HSPH.
Learn more about the Women, Gender, and Health Concentration.
All Harvard Chan Concentrations
Interdisciplinary Concentrations