Dr. Nancy Krieger, Professor of Social Epidemiology, co-founded (in 1994) and chairs the Spirit of 1848 Caucus (of the American Public Health Association), which focuses on the links between social justice and public health. Several members of our SBS Department are on the Spirit of 1848 Coordinating Committee (Pamela D. Waterman, Rebekka Lee) as are former SBS doctoral students (Vanessa Simons and Zinzi Bailey). Instructions on how to subscribe to the Spirit of 1848 listserv are available at http://www.spiritof1848.org/listserv.htm
Spirit of 1848 and Public Health Awakened Joint COVID-19 & Health Justice Resource Page is a dynamic resource that is updated daily by members of the Spirit of 1848 Caucus and Public Health Awakened. This resource, established on March 18, 2020, draws on daily posts from our organizations respective listservs as well as direct contributions from listserv members. The resources are displayed on tabs corresponding to each type of issues/resource addressed, with new tabs added as warranted, and the current range of tabs pertaining to (in alphabetical order):
- Access/disability/chronic illness
- Children/family care
- Data / tracking cases
- Election integrity & the Census
- Harm reduction/substance use
- Healthcare work
- Housing/unhoused people
- ICE/other law enforcement
- Indigenous communities / tribal nations
- Intimate partner violence
- Jails/prisons/detention centers
- Local Health Department
- Mental health
- Mutual Aid
- Paid leave
- Physical (social) distancing)
- Racism/xenophobia
- Safety practices
- School closures/students
- Sex worker support
- Undocumented folks