The Department of Molecular Metabolism, formerly called the Department of Genetics and Complex Diseases celebrated their 20th Anniversary on Thursday September 7th, 2023 at the New Research Building. The origins, progress, and future of this ever changing and growing department was celebrated with talks from Postdoctoral Fellows (Accalia Fu, PhD, Kristopher Burkewitz, PhD, Christopher Hine, PhD, and Jeeyun Chung, PhD) and Doctoral Program Alumna (Kathryn Wellen, PhD, Christian Dibble, PhD, Shannon Reilly, PhD, and Anthony Covarrubias, PhD), along with a poster session presenting current research from our department.
This event was sponsored by the Training Program in Molecular Metabolism funded through the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases [T32DK128781]
*Photos, courtesy of Kent Dayton and Tom Kelleher