Students in the MPH in Epidemiology should follow the academic calendar for dates and deadlines regarding when to register for classes each semester.
Enrolling in your courses is easy! Click Here for Directions.
1. Add courses to your cart.
2. Some courses may require instructor permission. If they do, request permission. Once permission is granted, you must go back to add yourself to the course. Just because you request permission the system will not add you to the course automatically.
3. Validate your cart. This checks for scheduling errors and other types of conflicts.
4. Enroll in your classes. This is like checking out at the grocery store, otherwise you just have a cart full of item.
This section of the website is updated with information about the upcoming and current registration. Should there be concerns applicable to all MPH-EPI student registration these notification would appear on this page.
Spring 2023 Registration Information
Registration begins on Thursday, January 5th at 11:00 am ET.
Students in the following cohorts should register for the specific courses listed.
Students Graduating in May 2023
Students must register for the following course:
EPI 945S: Applied Practice and Integrative Learning Experience for Epidemiology (2.5 credits)
MPH in Epidemiology online electives 2nd year students can choose are:
BST 215:Linear and Longitudinal Regression (2.5 credits, Full Spring)
EPI 288: Introduction to Machine Learning and Risk Prediction (2.5 credits, Full Spring)
EPI 529:Applications of Epidemiology (1.25 credits, Full Spring)
EPI 530:Introduction to Infectious Disease Modeling (1.25 credits, Spring 2)
HPM 506: Practical Scientific Methods for Improving Health and Health Care (2.5 credits, Full Spring)
ID 257:Introduction to Implementation Science (2.5 credits, Spring 2)
RDS 202:Decision Science for Public Health (2.5 credits, Full Spring)
In addition to the above MPH-EPI elective options, there are two MPH-GEN elective options that MPH-EPI students can take if space is available. The two additional elective choices are below. Please note: MPH-EPI students will be automatically waitlisted for these courses upon registration. If space is available, MPH-EPI students will be added on January 17th.
ID 273: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Health Care (2.5 credits, Spring 1)
ID XXX (Course Number TBD): Organizational Behavior (2.5 credits, Spring 2)
Please note: MPH in Epidemiology students must fulfill the MPH public health core courses in order to graduate. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure they complete the MPH public health core at some point throughout their 2 year degree program. For additional offerings, please view the MPH-EPI curriculum guide.
Students Graduating in May 2024
Students must register for the following courses:
The courses you are REQUIRED to take in the Spring Semester are:
EPI 524 (Spring 1) : Confounding Control: A Component of Casual Inference
EPI 525 (Spring 2): Study Designs for Epidemiologists
It is not recommended that students take 2nd year electives during the first year of the program. Students who wish to take one of the online MPH-EPI electives are required to submit a petition (attached to this email), along with a compelling reason explaining why the course is essential to their study in the first year. Petitions should focus on a specific course and not be a general request for any elective that is available. Petitions will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Approval will depend on space in the course as well as the reason provided.
Please note: MPH in Epidemiology students must fulfill the MPH public health core courses in order to graduate. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure they complete the MPH public health core at some point throughout their 2 year degree program. For additional offerings, please view the MPH-EPI curriculum guide.
Please note: All student holds will have to be cleared in to order to register for courses.
Registration Notes for Current Semester
There are currently no notes for registration in the fall semester. Please check back periodically for updates.
If you have any issues registering for courses, please contact the Registrar’s Office at registrar@hsph.harvard.edu or at 617-432-1032 as the Registrar’s Office oversee the my.harvard system and course issues.