Juli Simon Thomas, PhD, received her doctorate in sociology from the University of California, Los Angeles. She is particularly interested in the roles that education and income inequality play in social stratification and mobility. Her dissertation focused on how children’s educational attainment is affected by “event shock” brought on by disruptions in their parents’ lives. As a Bell Fellow, Juli conducted cross-national comparisons to see if children’s educational outcomes after…
Leah Abrams
Leah Abrams completed her PhD in health services organization & policy at the University of Michigan School of Public Health. As a Sloan Fellow, Leah explored how policies that push for later retirement (e.g. changing SS’s full retirement age) leave behind certain groups of older adults who lack agency in their retirement timing. She also examined how public and employer policies can extend working life for this population, rather than…
Leslie Adams
Leslie Adams holds a PhD in health behavior from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and has a MPH in health policy from the Dartmouth Institute of Health Policy and Clinical Research. In her dissertation she explored the association between depressive symptomatology and usual sources of care among Black men using a mixed method and community-engaged approach. As a Bell Fellow, she expanded on her earlier work focused…
Kyle Albert
Kyle Albert is a sociologist whose research interests focus on organizations, professional work, and inequality. As a Sloan Fellow, Kyle researched the phenomenon of self-employment in professional labor markets, examining the ways in which practitioners differentiate and legitimize new businesses at different stages of the life course. He also built upon his dissertation work by examining changes in professional association membership and revenues over the last few decades, shedding light…
Onur Altindag
Onur Altindag received his PhD in economics from The Graduate Center, City University of New York, and he holds a master’s degree in economics from University of Paris I-Sorbonne. His research interests lie at the intersection of population and health economics. In his dissertation, Onur studied the male-biased fertility preference in Turkey and its implications on children’s health and parents’ labor supply decisions. During his year as a Bell Fellow,…
Hiram Beltrán-Sánchez
Hiram Beltrán-Sánchez’s research focuses on developing and applying demographic methodologies to studying adult population health at national and individual levels. He holds a PhD in demography from the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and an MS in mathematics from Northern Arizona University. As a Bell Fellow, he furthered his research by linking increases in life expectancy with human longevity, and by studying the implications of longer life expectancy on compression/extension of…
Emilie Courtin
Emilie Courtin has a PhD in social policy from the London School of Economics, and was a research fellow at King’s College London. Her dissertation assessed the impact of changes in living arrangements on the mental health of older Europeans and Americans. As a Bell Fellow, she evaluated the long-run consequences of parental leave and early childhood education policies on women’s health. She also explored the long-term effects of the…
Adel Daoud
Adel Daoud is a sociologist whose work intersects development studies, economic sociology, philosophy of science, and the political economy of health. As a Bell Fellow, he examined how International Monetary Fund policies affect child health in developing countries, and researched the benefits and limitations of employing machine learning for data extraction, such as through the use of satellite images. He holds a PhD in sociology from the University of Gothenburg…
Angela R. Dixon
Angela R. Dixon earned her PhD in sociology and social policy with a concentration in demography at Princeton University. Her work broadly focuses on the ways race, ethnicity, skin color, and discrimination structure patterns of stratification across societies. Her dissertation explored perceptions of color and class discrimination in Latin America. As a Bell Fellow, she examined how the relationship between perceived discrimination and health varies across the socioeconomic spectrum. (Angela…
F. Xavier Gómez-Olivé
F. Xavier Gómez-Olivé holds a PhD in public health from the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. As a postdoctoral fellow, he continued his work on the link between HIV and non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the elderly. His research aimed to give insight into how health policies and interventions can effectively respond to the demands of an aging population that has been and will continue to be profoundly affected by these…