HCPDS Research Scientist Elyse Jennings, PhD, has co-authored a paper published in Studies in Family Planning that examines the data that from monthly reporting by both spouses of 822 couples in rural Nepal between 2008 and 2016. Findings reveal that there is an association between educational attainment and discrepancies in reporting. “These findings offer important new insights into spousal dynamics that may influence transparency regarding contraceptive use.”
Study finds multiple-method users of temporary contraceptives more likely to discontinue use & have unintended pregnancy in Uttar Pradesh, India
While female sterilization continues to prevail as the most dominant family planning method provided and used in India, almost one in five contraceptive users in India employs a temporary method. Harvard Pop Center Research Scientist Livia Montana, PhD, and colleagues have published a study in BMC Public Health that explores the patterns of temporary method use among urban women from Uttar Pradesh, India with the goal of offering programmatic recommendations…