Causal frames and contextualized values may effectively produce support for new obesity policies

Former RWJF Health & Society Scholar Selena Ortiz has published a paper in Social Science and Medicine titled “Increasing public support for food-industry related, obesity prevention policies: The role of a taste-engineering frame and contextualized values.” The Taste-Engineering Frame (TEF) highlights the techniques used by the food industry to increase the availability and over-consumption of processed foods and sugary beverages. Ortiz’s work shows that when people are exposed to the TEF, i.e. made aware of…

Christina Roberto in the news on reframing obesity debate

In an article in MedicalXpress, Harvard RWJF Health & Society Scholars program alumna Christina Roberto, PhD, (who was lead author of this recent article in a special series of The Lancet devoted to obesity) shares insights into the complex relationship between individuals and their environments.

Obesity experts weigh in on influences & nuances of framing on obesity-prevention discourse

Harvard RWJF HSS Selena Ortiz, PhD, is lead author on a study published in the American Journal of Public Health that examines the influence of framing on the obesity prevention discourse. She and her colleagues conducted interviews with experts to learn more about two dominant frames: personal responsibility and environmental, looking closely at the environmental subframe of taste-engineering – food industry strategies designed to influence the overconsumption of certain foods…