David Bunn

David Bunn

David Bunn is an MD/MPH student at Harvard Medical School currently enrolled in the MPH-45 Health Policy program. While in medical school, he noticed the systemic and structural barriers that prevented many patients from receiving adequate care. Consequently, he began conducting clinical research at Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Hospital to examine issues around access to health care and prescription drug coverage, telemedicine, and cardiovascular disease outcomes. These experiences reinforced his passion for ensuring health equity and reducing health disparities, and inspired him to obtain an MPH after his third year of medical school. Now, as an HSPH Health Policy student, David focuses on better understanding the role of health policy in addressing and reducing the health care barriers that he saw his patients confront while in medical school. As an incoming Mississippi Delta Fellow, David is excited to apply his passion for health equity and health disparity reduction to bolster the well-being and health of Mississippi’s children.

In his role with the Children’s Foundation of Mississippi (CFM), David will be assisting with the development of the first blueprint for Mississippi children’s health. Additionally, he will be conducting research and designing a policy brief surrounding early childhood developmental screening to inform the blueprin