Francisco is an MPH-45 candidate at the Department of Health Management. Originally from Ecuador, he graduated with degrees in Economics and Management from universities in Ecuador and France. Francisco is an art enthusiast who paints and writes poetry in Spanish, inspired throughout his years living in Barcelona. He is deeply passionate about the intersection of art and health, particularly the positive outcomes that art can generate in children and youth.
After graduation, he aims to consolidate a non-profit organization in Latin America named ASIRI [meaning smiling in the Quechua language]. This organization will use the power of the arts to treat patients, educate professionals, and build community-based initiatives for the most vulnerable population.
Francisco’s project focuses on increasing the tools for educators and healthcare workers to incorporate art production as a mechanism of mental health prevention within their local communities in Ecuador. He will introduce and expand an art-literacy protocol, Pre-Text, across educators and healthcare professionals. He is partnering with a local organization in Ecuador, NeuroDiseñoHumano, which has experience implementing integral educational strategies.