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Most of our forms are electronic (using Qualtrics). If you prefer to submit a paper form, email us at financialaid@hsph.harvard.edu and we can provide one.
Credit Balance Refund Form – To be completed if a student has a credit balance on their student account.
Third-Party Contract Form – Information to sponsors planning to support students with the cost of the program.
Apply to the Direct Graduate PLUS Loan – Information on interest rates and origination fees can be found in the Domestic Loans section.
Federal Loan Adjustment Request Form – If you would like to increase or decrease your federal direct or GradPLUS loan after you have accepted it in MyFinaid, you can complete this form to start a request.
Budget/Cost of Attendance Appeal Form – This form is used to increase your loan or Federal Work Study eligibility (for domestic students).
Title IV/Permission to Hold Form – Federal Title IV financial aid funds (i.e. – federal loans) are restricted to payments of current period tuition, mandatory fees (UHS), and room and board. However, students may authorize the use of these funds for other charges, such as application to prior or future balances and/or charges that do not fall under the umbrella of mandatory fees. Such fees include: HUSHP Supplemental Insurance coverage (Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS), library fees, course material or book charges, late fees, parking fees, dependent insurance, etc.
By completing this form, you are agreeing to allow the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health to hold and/or apply Federal Title IV financial aid funds to some (or all) of the above mentioned charges.
Consent to Release Information Form – For students who wish to allow another person the ability to access/discuss your financial aid information.
Preliminary Private Loan Request Form – For use by students who have chosen a private loan program. Please review our information sections on private loans under both Domestic and International.