Spring 2013

In this issue

Guns & Suicide: The Hidden TollCASE Grand Gold Circle of Excellence

In the U.S., nearly twice as many people kill themselves with a firearm each year as are murdered by one. How can public health help?

Also in this issue

Dean’s message: Health and headlines

Every day, public health rings loud and clear in the news.


Quick updates about public health news from the Spring 2013 issue of Harvard Public Health.

Off the cuff: The turning point in the AIDS epidemic

Ten years ago, President George W. Bush launched a $15 billion international program to fight AIDS—the largest public health initiative in history dedicated to a single disease.

Q&A: The science of irrationality

Why we act against our own best interests.


Global burden of disease: Good news and bad news

A man with a plan

Stricken twice by dengue fever, Panji Hadisoemarto, SD ’14, says that preventing the disease is personal.

Our bugs, ourselves

Our bodies’ infectious organisms, which outnumber human cells 10 to 1, may hold surprising clues to disease.

Globalization’s permanent underclass

The medieval system of bonded labor traps millions of workers worldwide for life, even today.

Dr. Ruiz goes to Washington

From California’s impoverished Coachella Valley to HSPH to Capitol Hill, Raul Ruiz pursues a public health mission.

Philanthropic Impact: Philanthropy & innovation

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