Celebrating Our First Century
Dean’s message: Full circle
As the School’s centennial reminds us, the public health mission is both timely and timeless.
Then & now
U.S. vital statistics: surprises over the century.
The founders & deans of HSPH
Over the last 100 years, the School’s leaders have brought diverse backgrounds and wide-ranging agendas.
First women
HSPH was the first School at Harvard to admit and credential a woman student, and the first School to hire a woman professor.
Infectious diseases & pandemics
From polio and smallpox to HIV/AIDS and SARS, the School has made pivotal discoveries about the most vicious infections in every corner of the globe.
Health & how we live
What we eat and drink, whether we exercise, how we drive, what we inhale: Our shifting lifestyles are changing the picture of public health–and HSPH scientists have stayed ahead of the trends.
The DNA of public health
Classic bench science and cutting-edge genetics research have set the School apart.
Deadly environments
From its earliest days, the School has built a legacy on uncovering and responding to contamination in the work and home environments.
Poverty, disasters & health against all odds
The most powerful influences on population health are the broad social forces that shape our lives, as the School’s influential scholars and scientists in the field have showed.
Working the (health) system
HSPH researchers have been world leaders in decision-making science and in assessing the human impact of complex health systems.
Transforming public health education
A century after its founding, HSPH has embarked on an exciting educational revolution.
A century of powerful ideas
How HSPH has changed the world–in words and pictures.
View and download the Harvard Public Health Fall 2013, Centennial issue on ISSUU