Dr. Pekka Puska to share Finland’s heart health “story”

On October 29, 2018, hear from Dr. Pekka Puska as he delivers the Department of Nutrition’s 14th Annual Stare-Hegsted Lecture:

Heart Health Story of North Karelia and Finland: Implications for Global Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Policy

Watch it live:

The lecture will be livestreamed beginning at 4:00 pm EST, here:

Dr. Pekka PuskaDr. Pekka Puska, MD, PhD, MPolSc, is a Professor, Finnish Physician, and Member of Parliament. He formerly held the position of Director General of the National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland, and is currently a Member of Parliament and a Professor at University of Helsinki and University of Eastern Finland. Dr. Puska has had a significant influence on public health research and practice in Finland and globally for several decades.