Pedagogy Fellows


The Pedagogy Fellowship program provides an exciting opportunity for students interested in public health education to gain hands-on instructional experience while supporting the educational mission of the Harvard Chan School. Fellows have the opportunity to network with and learn from faculty, instructors, TFs, and one another.

Fellows receive support and guidance from the Dean for Education, the Director of Learning Design and Instructional Support, and other OED colleagues, meeting regularly to solve challenges in the ever-changing educational landscape and share these solutions with the School’s instructional community.

Pedagogy Fellows (PFs) work on a variety of educational efforts both within a designated department/program, as well as across the School. These efforts include, but are not limited to:

  • Assisting departments/programs with priority teaching and learning projects
  • Working with a department/program to help develop, design, or redesign courses
  • Assisting with TF training, leading TF workshops, and providing ongoing support for the TF community
  • Implementing School-wide pedagogical projects, including assistance with accreditation efforts
  • Developing curated, evidence-based resources for the teaching and learning community at Harvard Chan


PFs participate in a required August onboarding as well as Teaching 100, a required teaching and learning course in the Fall. Additional professional development seminars throughout the academic year cover topics including, but not limited to:

  • State of public health education
  • Anti-racist pedagogy
  • Project management
  • Alternative roles in education


Along with the efforts outlined above, PFs are expected to devote time and energy to the following activities:

  • Weekly PF meetings
  • Monthly (or more frequent) meetings with designated department/program
  • Mid- and end-of-year reviews
  • Individual online module creation


For additional questions, please visit the Pedagogy Fellows program FAQ page.

Current and Former Fellows