Study suggests connection between emotion regulation difficulties & symptoms of anorexia

Robert Wood Johnson Health & Society Scholar alumna Christina Roberto, PhD, is co-author on a study published in Comprehensive Psychiatry that supports a growing literature that find a positive association between emotion regulation deficits and eating disorder symptoms in anorexia nervosa. The study suggests that certain individuals with anorexia could benefit by developing some emotion regulation skills.

Home foreclosure adversely impacts health & mental health of homeowner & neighboring residents

Harvard Robert Wood Johnson Health & Society scholar alum and current Harvard Pop Center faculty member Alexander Tsai, MD, has authored a study published in PloS One that examines the effects of home foreclosure (which accounts for approximately 5% of U.S. residential properties) on the health and mental health of the individual homeowner, as well as the effects of the foreclosure on other residents in the community.

Call for institutions to adapt to support older age workers & more productive society

Harvard Pop Center Director Lisa Berkman, PhD, and faculty member Mauricio Avendano, PhD, have co-authored a paper published in Daedalus that examines the challenges and opportunities posed by an aging U.S. population, particularly as it relates to an aging workforce.

Recent violence negatively impacts mental health consequences for predisposed women at risk for HIV

Harvard Robert Wood Johnson Health & Society scholar alum and current Harvard Pop Center faculty member Alexander Tsai, MD, is lead author on a paper that investigates association between recent violence and the mental health consequences for women with preexisting psychiatric conditions who are at risk for HIV.

Early exposure to Medicaid may promote intergenerational mobility & economic opportunity

Rourke O’Brien, PhD, a Harvard Robert Wood Johnson Health & Society Scholar, has co-authored a discussion paper released by the Institute for Research on Poverty that evaluates the impact of the expansion of Medicaid on intergenerational mobility.