The power of policy; what happens when sweetened beverages are taxed & school meals are legislated to be more nutritious?

Image of soda bottles and veggies

A review of two implemented policies—an excise tax of 1.81 cents/ounce on sweetened beverages in Philadelphia, and the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010—shows that both policies had a positive impact on health and health behaviors. Authors of the studies include Harvard Pop Center faculty affiliates Sara Bleich and Steven Gortmaker, and former post-doctoral fellow Christina Roberto. Learn more in this EurekaAlert release.

Study points to marked increase in marketing of sugar-sweetened beverages in grocery stores when food stamps are dispersed

Faculty member S V Subramanian, PhD, and former RWJF Health & Society Scholar Christina Roberto, are among the authors of a study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine that has received coverage in The Washington Post.  

Christina Roberto honored with research grant during Obesity Week in Boston

Harvard RWJF Health & Society Alumna Christina Roberto, PhD, was recently awarded The Obesity Society’s (TOS) 2014 Early-Career Research Grant. Currently an Assistant Professor of Social & Behavioral Sciences and Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health, Roberto was honored with the grant during Obesity Week, the annual scientific and educational conference for obesity professionals which took place in Boston during the week of November 2-7, 2014.  “The award…