Former Harvard Bell Fellow Hiram Beltran-Sanchez, PhD, is author on a study published in the journal HealthAffairs that has found that the unprecedented increase in homicides in Mexico between 2005 – 2010 resulted in reversing life expectancy gains for men, which had been improving for the prior 60 years. The study received much attention in the press, including a piece on and medicaldaily.
Access to healthcare and financial risk protection for older adults in Mexico
David Canning and Michael Reich recently co-authored a study in BMJ analyzing the effects of Social Security and Seguro Popular health insurances in Mexico. Previous studies have documented the benefits of these insurances as compared to no insurance, but how do they compare to each other?
Better breastfeeding outcomes for vaginal vs. Cesarean section births in modernizing Maya rural population
Harvard Pop Center affiliated faculty member Karen L. Kramer, PhD, has co-authored a study that looks at birth and breastfeeding dynamics in an indigenous Maya community.