Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology

Thank you for visiting the Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology Site.

We are currently updating the Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology page within the Department of Epidemiology; we’d like to ensure that your interest in environmental and occupational health continues to be supported. During this period of website improvement, we’ve curated a list of recommended courses for students focusing on the area of study in Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology Health. Current student should also discuss with their advisor which other environmental courses would be appropriate based on their thesis project.

ID215 Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology

EH 245 Statistical Methods for Environmental Mixtures and Exposome Research

ID271 Advanced Regression for Environmental Epidemiology

Thank you once again for your understanding and continued interest in Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology

For inquiries or information requests, please contact Francine Laden fladen@hsph.harvard.edu .