January 12, 2022 – Covid Update From Katrina Soriano

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing to share that EH&S and HUHS are revising the Harvard University On-Campus Activity Guidance in response to the surge of COVID-19 cases in our community and recent updates to federal, state and local requirements. As a reminder, the Guidance documentation can be found on the EH&S website at https://www.ehs.harvard.edu/covid-19-resources/secure/activity-workplace-planning. As the COVID-19 situation evolves, the University’s guidance will likely also change.  I would encourage you to use the link above to check the website regularly for updates.

Summary of Updates:

  • Classroom instruction – instructors must wear face coverings in all instruction settings (allowance for exceptions has been temporarily rescinded)
  • Eating and drinking – cites preference for grab-n-go options as the default food service, and guidance that those who have been released from quarantine or isolation prior to day 10 must stay physically distanced from others when unmasking for eating and drinking
  • Events and gatherings – until further notice ALL food and beverages offered at indoor events and gatherings must be limited to take-out or grab-n-go
  • Performances and rehearsals – performers must wear face coverings in indoor performances and rehearsals (allowance for unmasking has been temporarily rescinded)
  • Visitors – schools and units should strongly consider limiting or excluding non-essential visitors to residential spaces and non-public buildings and spaces on campus; visitors must be notified of the booster requirement
  • Cleaning and disinfection – cleaning and disinfection performed by custodial staff is not necessary in private residences and within suites where all roommates are isolating in place together.
  • Face coverings – updated to reiterate the importance of selecting and properly wearing a well-fitted mask in accordance with CDC guidance and Harvard’s indoor mask mandate; encourage the use of high-quality disposable masks, worn in a way that minimizes air gaps around the edges. Surgical-style masks or a cup style protective mask such as KN-95 or KF-94, layered under a form fitting fabric mask, can ensure good filtration as well as an effective seal.

Please reach out with any questions.




Executive Director in the Department of Nutrition and the Department of Molecular Metabolism
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
665 Huntington Ave., Building 2, 3rd Floor, Room 311 | Boston, MA 02115
617-432-0760 | kwright@hsph.harvard.edu

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