Please see below for a list of frequently asked questions about the Harvard Chan Pedagogy Fellowship program. For any additional questions, contact Sejal Vashi (Director of Learning Design and Instructional Support) at
Who is eligible to be a pedagogy fellow (PF)?
All postdocs, doctoral students, and master’s students with previous experience in teaching and dedication to teaching excellence are eligible. Teaching experience includes being a TF or lead instructor at Harvard or other institutions; experience in community education and training; teaching K–12; or other relevant experience.
What does a lead pedagogy fellow do?
Lead pedagogy fellows collaborate with the Dean for Education and the Director for Learning Design and Instructional Support. They are responsible for coordinating, organizing, and supporting Fellowship efforts, such as weekly meetings and the assessment and improvement of fellowship efforts across the academic year.
How long is the fellowship?
The pedagogy fellowship runs from August through May.
How many hours do pedagogy fellows work?
On average, pedagogy fellows are expected to spend 10-12 hours per week on PF-related efforts, including professional development activities.
How much do pedagogy fellows earn?
Pedagogy Fellows will be paid at the Lead Teaching Assistant rate for two five-credit courses. Lead Pedagogy Fellows will be paid the amount for an additional 5-credit course.
Being a Pedagogy Fellow may fulfill PhD students’ teaching requirement with approval by their programs, but this is neither required nor part of the selection criteria. Postdoctoral fellows who wish to apply may need a note from their mentors and we will want to confirm payment processes to meet fellowship requirements. For graduate students, this position is covered by the Harvard Graduate Students Union-UAW Collective Bargaining Agreement with Harvard University. To learn more about the union and/or join, visit International students may want to discuss their interest in applying to be a Pedagogy Fellow with their department or academic administrator to ensure that participation will be possible given their funding packages.